thirty one

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"Harry tells me that you're a student, are you enjoying your studies?" Harry mum Anne asks me as I help her with filling the pastry dishes with pie filling. She's cooked an extraordinary amount of food, but then I guess there are a lot of people here.

"Yeah it's pretty good, though I'll be happy when it's over" I admit smiling over at her, she gives me a knowing smile as she nods her head in response. She looks so much like Harry it's kind of crazy; same nose, same eyes, but completely different temperament. She's so warm and kind, wrapping me in the tightest and most sincere hug I've had in a long time. You know the type of hugs, the ones only mums can give that just fill you up and make you feel like everything's okay? I didn't feel this comfortable around Harry after our first meeting.

"And do you work?" She asks politely while I begin to place the sheet of pastry over the top of the pie filling.

"I work part time at the book store on campus" I reply. It's not technically a lie, when I called my boss and asked her if I could keep working there she was thrilled and said absolutely. I start back next week, I just need to tell Harry at some point.

"Do your family live in London?" Anne asks after closing the oven door, checking on one of the quiches she has cooking away. It's nearly done, the aroma is intoxicating. Good old fashioned home cooking, I can hardly wait.

"Uh no they don't, I moved there for university. Am I doing this right?" I reply, my attempt to change the subject off of my own family life. She walks over to join me after wiping her hands on her black apron and checks the pie.

"Yes honey that's lovely, thank you so much for helping me. I would have asked Gemma but she's not the best in the kitchen" she giggles quietly before I look up and see Gemma bouncing Charlie on her hip, her mouth agape.

"Excuse me! I can cook, it just so happens that my husband is better than me...whatever I have a lot of other skills" Gemma pouts with a gentle smile, Anne nods her head and grins beside me.

"Absolutely darling, I couldn't agree more. You have so many other skills. Where is your lovely husband by the way?" Anne laughs, beginning to chop up some vegetables.

"He's finishing up work so he'll be here later" Gemma says to her mum before turning to me. "My husbands a doctor, can be hard to manage his crazy schedule especially now that we have a family" I nod my head, smiling at little Charlie who has since started tugging on her mothers necklace.

"Did you tell your brother your news?" Anne asks Gemma. I turn to Harry to see him leaning his back against the wall, watching us all with a soft smile, his arms folded across his chest. His eyes linger on me before the flicker over to his sister.

"Oh god are you pregnant again?" He asks, his tone vaguely exasperated. Gemma nods her head with a wide grin and walks over to him.

"Yes I am and I'm bloody excited so give me a hug" She berates him with a wide smile, Harry rolls his eyes as he wraps her in a gentle hug, speaking to her quietly. Based on his reaction I don't think he's too keen on kids. I didn't know he didn't want to have kids.

"Do you have siblings Elena?" Anne asks as we seem to have returned to our game of twenty questions. I shake my head as I slide the pie dish into the oven while she holds the door open.

"No, only child" I mumble. Anne gives me a sympathetic look.

"Aw that's a shame, these two got up to all sorts of mischief together" She smiles warmly, watching the two of them. I nod my head suppressing my grin, I know of at least one story, I'd love it if there were more.

"Hey mum can I have my girlfriend back now?" Harry has approached the island counter opposite us and is leaning his elbows against the marble top. Anne tilts her head and smiles, placing her arm around my shoulder and giving me a soft hug and a gentle squeeze.

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