forty eight

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A/N: sorry I kept you guys waiting a little longer for this chapter! I wanted it to be worth the wait so enjoy the 5000 words! Love you all, hope you are having a safe and happy start to the new year xxx

By the time I walk down the stairs and exit the building, the moving van is nowhere to be seen. Harry's sitting in his car waiting for me, thank goodness he's not so mad as to drive off without me. I climb into the car expecting him to immediately start yelling, but he doesn't. He slips his phone into the cupholder on his side of the car and starts the engine, quickly pulling out of the parking lot. I almost would have preferred the yelling to this silence, it sits around us like a fog making me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

"Harry..." I start to say before I'm immediately cut off.

"Let's talk about this at home" he says in a deadpanned voice. Great, so now I have to sit in the car for the entire way home soaking in the awkward silence. I can almost feel him getting angrier as he drives, I know that the longer we don't talk about it the more his mind is going to race.

I'm used to the shoe being on the other foot when it comes to these kinds of situations, Harry wanting to talk it out and me just wanting to walk away from him. The last time that happened was when he failed to mention his New York lunch date with his ex girlfriend. I was semi wrong in that argument though, I made a bigger deal out of it than what was necessary. Still though, many of the blunders that have affected our relationship are to do with his job and his general way of living. This is relatively new territory for us, and yet it's also strangely familiar. I had hoped that these minor blunders would be a thing of our past now that we are in a relatively good place, obviously the universe has other plans for us.

A loud ringing noise interrupts my thought as Harry's centre console lights up on the dashboard. The phone icon blinks on with the contact Mum, thank goodness a saving grace. I hear Harry scoff beside me and I know instinctively he's going to ignore the call.

"Talk to her" I gently encourage him, daring to speak. We stop at a traffic light as his hand hovers in mid air, his eyes peering down at me with a hint of exasperation. Sighing, he hits the accept call button and turns his attention back towards the road.

"Hello mum" He says aloud once the call connects, Anne takes a moment to answer, rustling around on the other end.

"Hello my lovely boy, how are you?" She responds sweetly. Her tone instantly makes me miss her.

"Yeah I'm alright mum, how are you?" He responds politely though largely failing to hide his snarky attitude behind his question. I shouldn't call him snarky, I've made him mad and his bad attitude is my fault. I just hope he's not about to be an asshole to his mum.

"I'm good baby, just wrapping up some final Christmas presents. Now for the weekend, the lunch tomorrow is starting at one so I want you to get there at 12 at the latest so that you can help finish setting up and so you can greet people when they arrive" She says, completely side stepping his tone. As she speaks it dawns on me as to what she's talking about. The pre-Christmas family dinner that she has invited me to. Over the last few days it's evolved into a lunch with the family followed by Harry and I staying up with her for the weekend.

"Yes that's fine mum" Harry says quickly, I can tell he's only half paying attention to her.

"Now repeat it back to me so that I know you know the plan" Anne orders him, her tone still very melodious. Apparently she had the same thought that I did.

"I will be there at 12 to help set up and greet people before everyone else arrives at 1" He drones on in response.

"With Elena" She adds quickly. Harry quickly looks at me out of the corner of his eye. If he uninvites me to this event it will definitely mean that we won't be fixing this tonight, on top of the fact that it would break my heart to not be there. I've really bonded with his family these last few months, and it will kind of be my first real big Christmas dinner. On the other hand, going to this weekend trip tomorrow with this fight hanging over our heads could lead to an actual disaster.

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