twenty four

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I wake up to the feeling of soft fingers gently tracing a line up my spine. I roll my head to the side and look up to see Harry sat on the side of the bed dressed in a suit, a soft smile across his face. It dawns on me that I have slept naked in his bed, thank god I'm lying on my stomach or else I would have given Harry quite the view in the morning.

"Morning" He says quietly, sliding his hand back up my back to tuck some of my unruly hair behind my ear. I can't imagine the kind of mess I must look right now.

"Hi" I reply softly. "What's the time?" I ask him, I don't have class until the late afternoon so I should be fine for time, it's still good to know either way.

"It's still early, just past seven. I didn't want you to think I had just skipped out in the morning" his lips curl up into a soft grin as I hum in response, stretching myself out slightly.

"Thanks, I can get dressed quickly and leave with you" I say as I go to tug the sheet up under my armpits. He probably doesn't want to just leave me here in his apartment while he goes off to work.

"No no that's fine, you relax. When you're ready to leave just dial 7 on the phone beside the bed and tell John you'll be coming downstairs. He'll take you back to your place or wherever you need to go" Harry gestures to the phone on the bedside table.

"That's okay really, I can take the bus I don't mind. You need John" I smile at him and turn my body to lie on my back, the white sheet held tightly to my chest, thank god it isn't see through. He shakes his head, though I can see a hint of a smile on his lips.

"No no use John, I have half the mind to get you your own driver." I think he can see the look on my face that this discussion could get heated so he decides to change the subject. "How're you feeling, after last night?" A look of concern washes over his face.

"Good, really good" I let the grin wash over my face as he gives me one in return. Yes my body is sore, achy and the experience in general was slightly painful but I'm still so glad I did it. And I'm so glad I waited for him to do it with. Even if this relationship doesn't last forever and in spite of the same circumstance that we found each other. In that moment last night; I felt so safe, so happy and so cared for. That's the power that Harry has; he can turn an experience that I had dreaded for the longest time into something I felt comfortable doing, and want to do again.

"No regrets?" His eyebrows are slightly raised with a ghost of a smirk on his lips. I shake my head smiling widely.

"None" I respond.

"Good. I have to go, back to back meetings today. I'll call you later" he leans himself down and presses a soft kiss to my forehead. He is about to press a second one there when I tilt my chin upwards and reach my hand up to cup his chin. I nudge his chin downward and press his lips against mine, feeling his grin against my lips.

"Have a good day Mr Styles" I tell him sweetly. I'm not sure why I decide to say it, it just felt light and playful. Harry seems to agree, letting out a light chuckle as he stands up and picks up his phone from the side table.

"Hmm, Mr Styles eh? Might have to get you to call me that more often. Bye baby" He gives me a gentle smirk before he turns and heads out of the room. A few moments later I hear the elevator arrive and descend back down to ground floor. Leaving me alone in his apartment, the blinds pulled up to reveal the London skyline in front of me. A girl could get used to this.

"I feel like we haven't talked in forever, how have you been?" Heather asks me after she arrives at my apartment later that afternoon. I hadn't stayed at Harry's too long after he left, and I ended up letting John take me home. If I hadn't I feel like it could lead to a fight, and it would be a really stupid thing to fight over considering how well things were going between us.

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