forty seven

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It's finally the last day of classes before the winter break kicks in. The start of Christmas break tomorrow will give us all a nice needed time out to spend with family and friends over the festive period. Personally, I will be spending most of the time getting ready for the first round of exams that start almost as soon as we get back. But I will be reserving some time for rest and relaxation of course. And with the final stages of moving in with Harry beginning this afternoon, I'm hoping that there will be more opportunities to spend time together.

"This class is pointless right now, is being here is stupid" Heather grumbles from her slumped position in the chair next to me.

"It's not completely useless, she's going over the stuff we need to know for the test" I quietly whisper to her. Everyone else is talking around us; but I still refuse to be disrespectful to the lecturer standing mindlessly droning to the front three rows that are actually paying attention.

"But it's shit we've already learned. Plus she's uploaded it to the class page, she's literally reading off the slides. This is bull" Heather insists, sitting upwards slightly and staring at my screen.

"Well there's only five more minutes, you can do this" I gently encourage her. I do envy her c'est la vie approach to life sometimes, but it does sometimes come across as laziness.

"So that means that I've been bored out of my mind for 85 minutes now, life really is wonderful" She remarks in a harsh tone.

"Whats gotten into you today?" I enquire, turning my attention away from the lecturer and focusing it instead on my best friend. She's been in a bad mood since we got here; taking turns alternating between sad and pissed off.

"Ugh it's nothing...No it's not nothing, it's Brad" She huffs, turning her body sideways in the seat, not even pretending to pay attention now.

"What'd the bastard do now?" I ask in a quiet voice. I haven't met Brad and I don't know that he's done anything wrong; but I know for sure he's cheating on his wife so, bastard. Heather lets out a slightly amused laugh in response.

"He's not what he's done it's what he hasn't done, or maybe more what he continues to do" she sighs with a slight smile. She takes in my confused look and jumps to clarify. "I'm still getting the same old shit from him; 'I love you' 'I'm going to leave her after Christmas' 'I just don't want to hurt the kids' you know, all that crap"

"I thought you didn't want him to leave his wife?" I ask her, the last time we really got into it she had her heart set on leaving him because she was sure that she didn't want a future with him.

"Exactly I don't want him to leave her, but he doesn't listen to me and so he thinks that that is what I want to hear. He thinks he's such a prize that I'm begging him to leave her so I can be his new wife and start popping out kids like they're tic tacs. When really all I want is dick and money" Her words make me want the seat I'm sitting on to swallow me whole, at least she said it quietly.

"Oh don't give me that embarrassed look. Now that you're finally getting dick you know how great it is" She lectures me with a joking tone, rolling her eyes at my wide eyes.

"Moving on from that" I sputter out quickly. "Why don't you just dump him?"

"Because I like the lifestyle that being with him has given me, and I'm not about to give that up around the season of giving. Plus he's preoccupied with family time so I don't have to hang out with him as much as normal" she informs me, turning her attention back to the lecture ever so slightly.

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