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A/N: hey everyone! Thanks so much for all the love and support you've given this story so far! If you're looking for another story I'm writing one called 'annihilation' it's another Harry fanfic and I've got a lot of great ideas for it. It would mean the world to me if you would give it a read and if you like it I hope you would continue to keep reading it! Anyways, thanks, enjoy the chapter! Love to you all! X

Harry parks the car downstairs in the largely abandoned car park underneath my apartment building. I do worry about it; it's a very nice car in a not so nice neighbourhood, I really hope it's still here when we get back.

"There better be food in your fridge" Harry mutters under his breath as I unlock the door to my apartment. I giggle slightly as I allow him to enter before me, he makes a bee line to the kitchen and I hear him open the fridge as I shut the door.

"Good girl" he says as I remove my bag from my shoulder and turn to see him staring into the mostly stocked fridge. Thank god I did a shop, I don't know if I'm in the mood for a lecture from him.

"No more red bull and instant noodles for me" I grin as I place the mail I received from my letter box onto the counter. "And I only got things from the list of foods from the contract" he shifts a little in his place once I mention the contract, maybe he's a little embarrassed about having me eat foods from a prescribed list? Once I actually read through the list I didn't mind a whole lot, it was basically just foods that I normally eat anyway. But I haven't forgotten the way the list made me feel when I looked through it, especially seeing our initials at the bottom where we agreed I'd adhere to it. I felt controlled.

"Are these your parents?" Harry breaks me out of my thoughts and is holding a small black frame from my hallway table in his hand. I wander over and check the contents of the frame before I reply.

"Mhmm" I nod my head and confirm. My mum and dad sit on the edge of a fountain somewhere in Europe, I always forget where. "It's from before they had me, on their honeymoon. Must have been 20 years ago" I inform him. I found the photo a few years ago when I was going through our attic to find my birth certificate. They both look so happy and content, so lucky in love, before all the shit started to go wrong.

Harry simply nods his head and places the photo frame back down on the counter. I'm not going to bore him with my family woes, not right now at least.

"Come on, you can help me pick a dress for tonight" I smile and lead the way to my bedroom, sliding back the doors of the wardrobe. Harry leans against the door frame and watches me slide back the doors, a soft smile playing across his lips.

"Now that you've cleaned out your closet you barely have anything left, I may have to buy you some more" His every syllable teases me. I guess I got rid of quite a lot of my stuff, but I don't need anything else.

"No no no I'm fine with the clothes I have" he chuckles at my response as I start to pull out the long dress options that Sophie helped me get from Harrods. It's a charity ball, so it needs to be quite fancy and formal so I figure these are the best options, instead of some of the mini dresses we got that show off just a little too much for my liking.

"Hmm" Harry hums and stands by my side, examining the options I have laid out on the bed in front of us. "I liked this silver one if I remember correctly" I knew he was going to pick that one. It's low cut with a slit up the side, showing off an awful lot of my skin.

"I don't know; I don't want to stand out that much. I mean I know I probably will anyway because I'll be with you but I'd much rather fade into the background a little tonight"

"Baby you never fade into the background, not when you look the way that you do. You'll be stunning in whatever you choose" The heat rises in my cheeks as he speaks, my heart rate also picks up too. He isn't exactly right though, I often fade into backgrounds and that's how I like it. I suppose that isn't really an option for me anymore, not with this new life I'm starting to lead.

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