you forgot?

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100% inspired by gallagreeves (go check out their stories they're amazing!)

you and five have been dating for 2 months now and today was your anniversary! you decided for your anniversary you would sneak over to the academy to make a little dinner for you and five.

you arrived to the house to be greeted with klaus, he knew today was your anniversary too and you had told him all about your little plan for today. "hey klausy!" you greeted him as he let you in "hey y/n, fives in his room so your all set to get things ready!" he replied.

five had been in his room a lot lately, working. the apocalypse was over and both you and him knew this yet he was still always keeping up with his equations, making sure nothing else would be happening anytime soon as well as making sure the commission isn't doing anything stupid.

you took this time to prepare his favourite meal (and no it wasn't peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches). about an hour later you finished setting the table with your meals and some candle light to set the mood. and as if on queue five walked downstairs and into the dining area.

you stood up from your seat and walked over to him only to see a confused look spread across his face. "what's all this for?" he questioned. you looked back with the same questioning look "what do you mean what's this for?" "well is it a special occasion or something, why did you prepare all this?"

tears began to form in your eyes as you muttered "five.." "y/n what's wrong?" he replied with concern evident in his voice. "five today is 2 months.."

"2 months?" he said, still putting it all together "oh my god it's 2 months!" he said realizing what he had just said. "yeah! our anniversary!" you say beginning to raise your voice. "y-you forgot?" you said as a few tears began to trickle down your check. "y/n i'm so sorry! i was busy and working and i-"

"i know five your always busy!" you stated, anger evident in your voice. "i just can't believe you really forgot.. wow, i don't know what to say five. maybe i should just go" "no y/n please don't leave i'm so sorry!"

you began to make your way to the door when five teleported in front of you "please y/n i'm so sorry don't go" he said as his eyes began to fill up with tears. you looked down knowing that seeing him this way would make you feel bad but you knew you had to just be alone right now.

you simply brushed past him and continued to the front doors of the academy. and with that you made your way home.

word count: 563

a/n: hey guys and gals and my non-binary friends! sorry for not updating much but i was trying to think of a way to write this that wouldn't be complete shet lmao so i hope u enjoy. i also wanted to let y'all know that there will be a part 2 to this bc i hate leaving things on a sad note so be ready for a part 2! anyways hope ur having a great day/night and i'll be back w a part 2 :)

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