Ch. 15 Hell Yeah

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  You sat at the desk, holding your head in your hands. This was the tenth time that you've tried to reach your crew but still no luck. You and the Heart Pirates have been travelling together for 3 weeks now and you still haven't been able to contact your friends to let them know you were still alive. It doesn't help that your den-den mushi was damaged during the war, so you've been using the one that's on the ship. You sighed in frustration as you tried once more, hoping that you'd have some sort of signal. Nope. Nothing. The universe hates you. You threw yourself backwards onto the chair, slapped your hands to your face and yelled out curses.
  "Oi. Is everything alright in there, Mai-ya? May I come in?" You heard Law say from the other side of the door.
  "Yeah, everythings fine. Come on in." You said as you answered the door. It was very obvious that you've been in a bad mood. Your hair was a complete mess, bags under your eyes, the room was a bit of a disaster, and your clothes were disarray.
  "Doesn't look like everythings fine, what happened?" Law questioned as he looked around the room. You began to explain the situation to him and he understood right away.
  "Yeah, that does seem to be a predicament." He said after listening to your ramblings. "It is kind of hard to get a reception under the sea. But, we should be arriving at an island in the next few hours, so you should be able to contact your crew."
  "Really?! Oh thank God.." you let yourself slump over onto the bed.
  "By the way, you said that you told your crew to meet you at a rendezvous point. Mind telling me where that is?" Law asked you. You hesitated a bit on giving away the location of your friends, but you were going to stay aboard his ship for while, so what the hell.
  "It's an island known as Isla De Onda, it's about a week away from Punk Hazard." You explained to him.
  "Isla De Onda? What's so special about it?" Law asked.
  "Well, the island itself creates waves and is surrounded by Sea Kings, so not a lot of people try to get near it!" You grinned at him.
  "Ah, so it basically ensures the safety of the crew?"
  "Yes in a way, but it's also almost overrun by dinosaurs! So it's great training for them."
  "How the hell is that training.." Law mumbled under his breath. "Well, anyway, I came to clean your wounds and change the bandages one last time."
  "Oh! Sounds great!" You took off your shirt and turned your back to Law so he could get started on the bandage around your arm and shoulder blade, since that one was the one that tended to take the longest. You felt him begin to apply the disenfectant,  the cool liquid made you flinch a bit and gave you goosebumps.
  "Are you alright, Mai-ya?" You felt Law stop.
  "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm okay, it's just a little cold." You gave him a reassuring smile.
  "Ah, well if you wouldn't mind, could you hold your hair? Some of it keeps falling." You felt him push your hair over your shoulders. You hummed in response and held your hair in place. He then began to unwrap your abdomen and administer the same treatment.
  "Well, it looks like you're healing up really nicely. I don't think I'll actually have to wrap them up anymore. You looked down and noticed the once gash was no more than a thin scab.
  "Ah! That's great, now I can move freely again! Thanks so much, Law." You thanked him as you began to put your shirt back on.
  "Not a problem, however you'll still be receiving a check up every now and then. It's just standard procedure on my vessel." He stated as he was putting away his equipment.
  "That's fine by me. But does this mean I can start training again? I feel like I'm getting flabby." You said as you begun to pinch your arms.
  "Yes, you may. And I can certainly say that you are not flabby." You could hear him smirking. You just rolled your eyes.
  "Well, I'm actually really excited to spar against Bepo. He seems like a lot of fun to fight!" You started to get excited and started to ramble on about all the moves you wanted to try out. Law just watched you as you bounced around the room. He couldn't help but to watch you with a small smile on his face. You were fascinating and very amusing to him. He always felt comfortable and had fun when he was with you. Little did he know, you felt the same way. You really valued the time you got to spend with Law, although he hasn't really opened up to you, you felt as though you got to see a side of him that not many others could. And you really couldn't deny that he was very handsome.
  "By the way, the island that we're going to does happen to have a few marines, so we'll need to disguise you." Law interrupted your thoughts.
  "A disguise? What kind?" You looked at him quizzically.
  "Well probably just have you wear one of the jumpsuits and have someone lend you a hat or something to hide your face. Oh, maybe even put your hair up too." He said as he began to look you up and down.
  "Uhh alright, that should be doable.." you put your hand to your chin thinking of ways that you could hide your identity.
  "And one more thing.." this made you look up at Law. "I know you're strong, so please try not to kill my crew when you start training again." He then gave a wave and left. He was a strange man, but you loved his company. You started to make a list of items of clothing that you would like to find, come to think of it, there was a lot that you would need since you'll be staying on the sub for at least a year or so. You then heard another knock on your door. As you opened it you were met by Shachi and Penguin!
  "Hey, Mai! We heard captain gave you the okay to start training again! Wanna go at it with us and Bepo?"
  "Hell yeah!"

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