The Backstory

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She was running, running from them, her demons. "Get the child!" Someone screamed. "No! They took mommy and daddy already!" She thought. Their footsteps grew louder, pounding in her ears. Young Kamaria was a mutant, born with powers of telekinesis, illusion, and the power of telepathy. Her father had wings, while her mother had ice powers. She and her parents were run off the road being chased, leaving her the soul survivor.

She never got to say goodbye, the last word she heard, "RUN!"  Someone grabbed her wrist, "You're coming with me." He seethed. She felt her blood run through her veins, her cold green eyes staring into his !"GO AWAY!!" She yelled, and her palm hit his chest, and he flew backwards. She ran and hid in a glass figurine shop, and heard the door open. She saw one man and a woman, one walked away. The other was in a wheelchair, going towards inside, "Child, don't be afraid." She heard. She created an illusion so he couldn't see her.

"You can drop the illusion, you're good in your power for such a young pupil." He said. Ka. was stunned, "You can see me?" She asked. "I know you're afraid. My name is Charles Xavier, I am like you, a mutant. I have a school for youngsters like you, who can't control their powers. I want to help you, if you'll let me." He said. Kamaria got closer, "You won't hurt me? What if I can't be taught?" She asked.

He chuckled, "Anyone can be fixed, all it takes is a little time, effort, and compassion." He said. She felt like she could trust him, and let him see her. Charles smiled, "You've lost your home, allow me to provide you another one." He said. They went out to a small car, and they drove to a building that to Kamaria looked like a castle. She got out to have a better look.

I'm too destructive, and this is too beautiful, I'll probably break it, like me." She said. Charles rolled up to her, "There is another girl here, her name is Jean, she said something similar to what you just said." Charles stated. "Anything you break, I'll fix it. You think you're broken, but I can assure Kamaria that you are not broken." He said to her, holding her hand. She walked in, and she saw another girl standing on the stairs.

Almost as if she was waiting for them. "Kamaria, that's Jean, Jean, this is Kamaria." Charles said. They walked towards each other, and just stared at each other. The silence stayed for a few minutes, until Jean and Kamaria smiled, and ran up the stairs.  In time, the two would become one of the closest pair of friends in the school, but also, the most dangerous. It was almost as if one thing happened to one, the same would happen to the other.

(Timeskip to a few years)

The girls grew up to be some of the most powerful mutant Xavier had taught. Jean grew up, her silver eyes and ginger hair grew longer, and she got more beautiful over the years. Kamaria's coca skin tone stayed clear, her bluish- black hair and emerald eyes grew in a vibrant color. Jean saw one new student, and she acted like she wasn't interested in him. They were sitting under the tree, and he destroyed the tree, Xavier's tree. She looked at Jean, and smirked. "Don't act dumb, I see it." I told her.  They stayed together for most of the day, every day.

That night, Kamaria couldn't sleep, and Jean had another nightmare in her sleep. Kamaria walked in, and saw the wallpaper melting and bubbling on the walls, and ran into her room. She woke her up, and talked to her. "Let me see." I said. I reached my hand out, and I saw fire, but also ice, everywhere. It was as if the world was burning, but also freezing at the same time. As I let go of her hand, I froze, "Have you been having them, nightmares?" She asked.

Kamaria nodded, "Visions, it happens when I'm doing something, but not thinking. It's like panic attacks, I see people, ones who I care about, I don't know, and they're in pain, and-." She got cut off when she felt Charles near. She opened the door, and he wheeled in. "Is she ok?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm ok professor, I'll go back to sleep." She said. Kamaria felt the sensation again, the cold icy sensation. She almost ran to her room, passing Charles. She heard him call for her, but it sounded distant.

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