Part 1: Space Mission

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Kamaria was talking to Peter and Ororo, "Sooo, how are you and Kurt?" She asked. "We're fine, it's still going strong." She responded. Peter scoffed, "Have you two even kissed?" He asked. She started to blush, "Wait, you haven't kissed?" Peter half-yelled. I felt embarrassed, and my hands start to get very cold, and then, I disappeared, "I hate it when she does that." Ororo said. I smoked into my room, and fell on my bed. "You ok?" I heard a female voice say. I turned around, and saw Jean," I said. "I'm fine, thanks for checking up on me." I said. "No problem, I love you like a sister, you and Scott are the things I love most." She said.

"Aaawww, you put me up there with your boyfriend~." I cooed. She chuckled, "On a real note, why are you afraid to kiss him?" She asked. I tilted my head, confused, "On the lips I mean." She clarified. "It's just, I don't know how. I'll get too nervous, and I'm afraid I'll freeze him. I almost froze him when I even held his hand." I stated. She put her hand on my shoulder, "You'll feel it when it's the right time." She explained.

Suddenly, someone knocked, "Jean, Kamaria, Charles need the X-man downstairs." Hank said from outside the door. I went to get changed, knowing we were going on a mission. When I was finished, I looked at myself in the mirror, and looked in eyes. Even after all those years, I was still self-conscience about them. I suddenly heard something behind me, and then, I was already there. I smiled, "Kurt, we've talked about that." I said, turning around. He smiled, "I wanted to have you for some time." He said, pulling me closer to him.

I held his hands, and looked into his eyes. "Your so pretty." I told him. He chuckled nervously, " are magnificent." He replied, making me chuckle as well. I tipped my forehead forwards, touching his, "Ich liebe dich."I said to him. He started to blush. Since we've been together for a long time, I've picked up some German words and phrases. He always blushed when I spoke it. "I love you too." He replied, accent strong in his words. "You two are getting along well." A female voice said, Raven. "It's ok, you don't have to explain." She said to Kurt.

The rest of the X-men showed up a few seconds after she said that, "What's up?" Ororo asked. Raven talked it  out, and explained the mission. "So we're doing space missions now, cool." Peter said. Everyone walked onto the jet, but Jean and I stood there, we were both nervous, and scared. "You two ok?" She asked. "Yeah, just afraid." Jean replied. "I mean, we're talking space. It's an unknown place, and I can barely control my powers." I said.

Raven smiled, "If anything happens, I'll turn us around." She assured. Jean looked at me, and took my hand, "You ready?" She asked. I nodded, and we walked on together. I sat next to her, and in front of Kurt. We took off, and sped towards space. It was very bumpy, however, we made it. "I've never seen anything like this." Hank said.

"Kurt take Peter, go." Raven said. We sat there for a moment, then the space men were in the back of the ship with us. "Our commander, he was fixing the ship." One said. "Take Jean, She's power enough to hold it, isn't that right Jean?" Charles asked. "Y-Yeah I can do it." She replied. "Kurt take Jean, go. You have 30 seconds."  Raven said. Scott and I looked at each other when the disappeared. We waited for what felt like forever, then we was the flare going towards the ship, "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1."

Kurt came back with the commander, but where was Jean? "Where is she?" Scott asked, scared. "WHERE IS SHE!"  I shouted. I looked back at the ship, only to see the flare go into Jean, and see her in pain. When the flare cleared, they saw Jean floating in space. Kurt went out, and retrieved her, and brought her body back. Scott and I ran to her, Scott held her head, and I had her hand.

However, I felt something else was wrong, "What the hell is that!" Peter exclaimed. We turned around, and there was something ice-blue coming towards the Earth. "Anyone left?" Hank asked C. I didn't hesitate, and smoked out, "KAMARIA!" I heard Kurt shout, before I went towards the ice flare. "It's a type of ice flare." I said. It barreled towards Earth, and I got in front of it, and I reached out, and suddenly, all I saw was blue. Then, I shrieked, and yelled, it burned, it felt like my blood was freezing.

I then saw blue swirls around me, coming into my body, joining with my powers."Kamaria!" I heard in my head. I felt limp, then I felt arms around me. I saw a darker blue, and I knew it was Kurt. "Liebling!" He whispered to me. I couldn't speak, I felt pain, all I felt, was pain, i felt, normal. "I-Is J-Jean ok?" I stuttered. I looked up, and she was sitting up, looking at me, a look of relief across her face.

"I'm fine, are you ok?" She asked me. "I feel ok." I said, smiling. We hugged each other, and I felt tears on my uniform as I cried in hers. "Let's go home." Hank said, and we went back to take the spacemen home. As we landed, Jean and I came out last, and kids, teens, and adults were there, holding signs of us, and dressed like us. After that, we went back to the school, and they were there as well.  Charles said that we had the rest of the day off, then came to Jean and me.

"You gave us a scare up there, are you alright?" He asked Jean. "Yeah, I feel great." She replied. "Kamaria, you took in something we've never seen, are you ok as well?" He asked me. "Yeah, I feel alright." I replied. "Hank, can you run some test on them, to make sure they're alright." Charles said."Yeah, come on." He said, and walked us down to the lab. Jean went first, then I went.

"Well, you two are alright, however whatever you two took in, it enhanced your powers." He explained. "So, what does that mean?" Jean asked, looking at  me. "What I'm saying in, your lines are off the charts." Hank stated. "You two are free to go." He said, not looking at us. "Thank you Hank." I said, and Jean and I walked out. "You scared the shit out of me out there." I said. "You scared me too, I wake up, and Scott was there, but no you. All I see is my sister taking in a force we don't even know about." She said to me. We hugged each other, "We"re here now, and we're okay." I stated. "We should go, out boyfriend are gonna lose their minds in a minute if we don't get out there." Jean said, making me laugh.

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