Chapter 4: The Force

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"Where are we going Jean?" Kamaria asked. "Somewhere safe." She responded. Soon we we're out of the woods, and a small camp was before us. I started to feel nervous, I mean how else, I just killed the closest person I had as a mother. We walked forward, and immediately got stares. My eyes, hurt, they were probably still blue. "What are you doing here?" One mutant asked. Jean and I looked around, still walking. "Answer the question!" He said, more harshly than the last time. I felt my hands start to get a cold sensation, until another voice came in. "Leave them." A male voice said. I turned, and saw Erik walking towards us. A small smile crept onto my face when I saw him, even though he was away a lot, he was a comforter to me, with a touch of psychotic ways.

He lead us inside, and we sat down. "Why are you here? Are you hurt?" He asked. "No." Jean answered. "You have to forgive them, they're not accustomed to uninvited guest." Erik reassured us. "Please, why don't you start st the beginning." Kamaria spoke up. "Whose blood is that?" He asked suddenly. "What?" Jean said. "The blood on your shirt. Whose is it?" He repeated. I froze, I wouldn't dare say it. I knew he loved Raven more than anything else, i refused to say it. "Look, I'm not Charles. I can't read your mind." Erik said, "You hurt people." Ka. said. "It's been a while." He spoke. "But you did." She pressured. "Yes." He admitted. "What did you come to ask me?" He questioned, curious of what my point was. "How did you stop?" I asked.

"I lost everyone I ever loved as a child. So I hurt people, yes. Killed people, killed whatever I though would make the pain go away. It didn't. No matter how many souls I sent under. So I stopped." Erik told us. "We don't know how to stop." Jean said. "When we lose control, bad things happen to people we love," Jean said, "But if feels, good." Kamaria finished. "Whose blood is that? Isn't that why you came here?" Erik asked again. He waited for us to answer, but started talking again. "What do you think I can do for you?" He asked. "We don't know!" I yelled. "Yes you do. Whose blood is it?" He repeated. "We don't wanna talk about it." Jean said, trying to shut him up. "Did you hurt someone?" He pressured. I was about to scream, I felt my eyes start to have the same sensation when I first lost control. "Please." I asked, more like a beg.

"Answer the question, girls." He said. "Stop, Erik. You're making us angry." Jean said, now worry in her voice. "Good! I want to see you angry, both of you." He said, still waiting for something to happen. "Show me what happens. Show me. Show me!" He yelled. "STOP!" Jean and I shouted at the same time. Suddenly, s mutant ran into the room, "We've got military. Inbound." He said. Erik stood up, "Stay here." He said, and followed him out. Jean grabbed my hand after a moment, "Don't move." She said, her voice sounding blank, with no emotion. I heard the sound of a helicopter get louder, "Oh no." I said to myself. I felt it. The same cold sensation flowing through my veins. I ran outside, just as I saw the guards pointing their guns at Jean. I flicked my hand to the side, and the guns went into the water. I saw what she was doing, she was trying to kill the guard by Erik. "Jean Stop!" I shouted.

She didn't listen, and kept moving it. I tried to shake her, but she sent a force towards us, sending me back. I grunted, and sent my hand out, holding it in place. I felt my force turn against me, and start to move it toward us. "Get in the chopper and go. We can't hold it!" Erik shouted. They all scrambled inside, and I sent my hand up, sending them away from us. I fell on back, exhausted. I had no idea a fight within yourself would be so exhausting. I saw Erik on the ground, and Jean standing up. "Leave this place, go!" Erik shouted at Jean. "I need your help. I thought you protected mutants here." Jean responded. "I am protecting them, from you! You need to leave, go!" Erik responded. Jean sent herself up, and in the sky.

I ran up and was about to follow her, when Erik grabbed my hand. "You can stay. You don't have to follow her, we'll protect you." He said. I looked at him, but then remembered the blood, Raven's blood. I looked into the sky, and saw Jean, waiting for me. "I'm sorry, I can't. Jean and I stay together." I said, and summoned my wings. I looked into his kind eyes for the last time, and jumped up, following Jean. "I thought you we're gonna stay." She said. I grabbed her hand, "I wouldn't leave you, your my sister." I smiled, and she returned it. "Where to now?" I asked. "Wherever we go." She said.

(Charles X. P.O.V)

"We're coming late tonight that Congress is considering a  temporary mutant internment facilities,  for those whose powers have been deemed a clear and present danger to human citizens. This coming on the heels of the Jean Grey incidents, which, after destroying two communities, and Kamaria Winter attacking police and military personnel"

"This is Charles Xavier. I need to talk to the President." He spoke into the phone, TV playing in the background. "Mr. Xavier, this phone will
no longer be operational." A voice on the other end said. "I... have to tell him not to do this. There's no need to throw away everything that we've accomplished. You have to give us a chance." He pleaded, but the line went dead. He sighed, worried about the future. The words he said to both of them echoed in his head.

"Anything you break, I can fix it."

(Jean & Kamaria P.O.V)

We were sitting at a bar, an illusion I made disguised us as old men. We heard on the TV that we were wanted criminals as we drank. "Hello Jean. Hello Kamaria." A woman said. Jean tried to get into her head, "You can't control my mind like theirs. I'm not like them." She said to us. "Same please." She said to the bartender. "How did you find us?" I asked. "Let's just say I have friends in high places." She answered. "Who are you?" Jean asked. "The better question is, who are you two?" She asked us. "Are you scared little girls who answer to a man in a chair? Or are you the most powerful creatures on the planet?"

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