Stay with me

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You hear a yell close. It belongs to Tyler. But it's too late. You don't hear a thing as the blurry silhouette makes his way towards you. Tears now flow like a river. Like a river of red.



Stay with me

You don't need to run

You hear a small melody.

Stay with me

My blood

It's faint and soft, but you recognize the voice.

You don't need to run

I'll go with you

It's him.

My blood, I'll go with you, yeah

You try to open your eyes and the singing stops.

"(Y/N)?! Hey, she's waking up! Can I get some help??" The known voice yells. You hear him get up and here more people come to surround you. 

You try to speak but it only results in a "mmhmmfmm." 

"Oh my god she's waking up," a voice, you think is Jordan, says excitedly.

Your eyes flutter open and you instantly felt a shock of brightness. It caused you to blink rapidly as you took in your surroundings to see everyone around you. The table below you is kind of hard and hurts your back, so you try to sit up. As soon as you get up you feel tremendously dizzy.

"Woah woah woah, sit back down there," Jenna says rushing over to you and slowly pushing you back down. "You aren't ready to move like that yet." If Jenna's arms wouldn't lay you down, the pounding in your head for sure would. It sends you straight back into the cold table.

The people surrounding you are all sighing in relief. You finally get a good look at every one. Everyone that was in the tent included: Jenna, Jordan, Josh, Elise, Aaron, and a few other people you've seen before but don't know their names. You could have sworn you saw Tyler walking out of the small tent. He was the voice you heard when you started waking up. You felt a small pang of hurt when he wasn't there for you, but then you remembered what he had said before. He doesn't care. Why should he? He has no reason too.

Everyone around you is talking and it seems they are trying to talk to you, but you can't understand everybody. The commotion that everyone is making starts making your head hurt even more and everything is becoming fuzzy. Jenna can realize that and she starts yelling at everyone to be quiet, trying to obtain their attention. Once everyone finally falls quite she says, 

"(Y/N) needs her rest and you guys all need to leave! Maybe come back when she is feeling better." She starts waving her hands towards the door and shouting, "Leave. Leave. Go. Get. Leave. Bye!" Jenna had a very demanding yet respectable meaner, so everyone listened to her. Well, almost everyone. Josh stayed. Jenna eyed him but ended up leaving him be, and walking out of the tent herself. You had hoped a couple more people would stay, but having Josh is better than having absolutely nobody. 

Josh kneeled down next to the makeshift bed you were on and just looked at you. You could see that his eyes are sad. They are sad for you. He wants you to be happy, but he doesn't know how to help you with that. You want to be happy for him, but it seems almost impossible. A tear falls down your cheek sideways and hits the table. In a shaky voice, you say

"I'm so sorry Josh," but the ending was almost incomprehensible as you started sobbing. Josh pulled you into a side hug. You wanted to say more, but what else was there to say? You felt safe in Josh's arms, and you stayed there for a while. Although you were afraid to, you eventually drifted off to sleep again in Josh's warm, safe arms.

And that's where you will be when you wake up to his voice again.


Hi, everyone, it's me again. I'm back and better than ever. OKay maybe not better, but I'm definitely back. Sorryyyy for the mega short chapter but I think I have a few new ideas eheheheh. I've seen a few comments and posts about my book and it's got me excited to write again, so I promise I'm going to try to be more active. Just for you my lovelies ;)))

Well, that's all. Love you guys! Thanks for reading!

word count: 734

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