Nicole pov

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"Ugh" i groaned as i rolled over in my bed. Slapped my hand down on my alarm as it blared in the room. Typical morning routine as i shuffled to the bathroom to get ready for work. A few minutes later i was dressed making my way to the kitchen. As i got closer i can smell something delicious cooking my belly rumbled. I can't help but smile to myself.
"Hey nic" kara says as i came in the kitchen."morning kay" i replied. I called her Kay for short as she calls me Nic. I sat down to get something to eat.
She insisted to make breakfast every morning stating that she's a chef so she knows what she's doing plus it will taste better.

"What will it be blueberry muffins, pancakes or bacon and egg "? She asks. Blueberry muffins for me today as im not in a mood for eggs. "Coffee"? She asks as i scrunch up my nose. I work in a coffee shop for 8 hours i day why would i drink it still . Nope. "I'll pass". I answered as she just laughs. We sat there eating and talking about stuff we need to get for around the house and about the monthly rent. We rent this apartment kara and I both pay it even though I know she always wants to pay all. You see we come from different types of family but we became friends from school. My mom and dad died 3 years ago in an accident they were the ones who paid for my college tuition. We didnt have much but we made ends meet. When they died i was left heartbroken and didn't even have money to continue college , So i had to work. Kara on the other hand mom worked her butt off so she can go to college . Her mom is a fashion designer. Kara always wanted to be a chef. Me on the other hand wanted to be a decorator. I chuckled to myself as i remember when i used to transform my room into a castle when i was smaller.
"Nic did you hear a word that i said? I have been talking to you for the past five minutes " she glares raising her eyebrows as she snaps me from my thoughts. Her facial expressions made me burst out laughing. Ok now she's going to kill me i quickly compose myself. "What was the question"? I asked with humor in my voice. "I said do you want to go clubbing with me this weekend"? She asked again, I groaned . I'm a home body i don't like party i don't even like going to the beach. She rambles on about how i don't make time for myself and how I'm always cooped up in the apartment either reading a book or watching netflix. While she's talking and I'm thinking about a easy way to just say no my eyes glances to the clock on the wall behind her. Shit. I'm going to be late .
I snatch my half eaten muffin and grab my bag and headed for the door, as i hear Kay sigh behind me . I shouted talk to you later, as i closed the door behind me . I started walking to my place of work. I work 10 minutes away from the apartment. Kay on the other hand has a car which her mom bought for her. I stick my ear buds in my ear listening to some music . Up pulls Kay in her Toyota sedan. She rolls down her window" get in ,i will drop you the rest of the way" i sigh as i open her car door and sit down. She starts " Nic one night out won't kill you. You need a little fun in your life," blah,blah,blah . I stopped listening after she said the word fun. Ok now I've heard enough. I pinched the bridge of my nose ." Fine" i said. I will go. When is it anyhow "? i asked. "This weekend". She said excitement in her voice. I make a mental note to remind her that she says its fun. We chatted for the remaining of the 10 minutes drive and i waved bye bye to her as she drove off.
Welcome to my first story. Please vote for it and feedback is greatly appreciated .

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