Jason's pov

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I woke up in a bright white room in the hospital.  I heard the beeping of the machine as i looked around, Rogers was propped on a chair in the corner. Outside was dusky still i   assumed  it was early in the morning.  I glanced at the clock on the wall it said 5 am. I wonder how long i was here  since i had bandages on half of my body . I tried to raise up but a pain shot through my chest. I called Rogers name trying to wake him after 2 attempts he woke up. "What's up boss how you feeling?" He asks. I  groaned he had to ask that question. I rolled my eyes . " how do you expect i will feel after being shot twice?" He shrugged. Same time my doctor walks in.  "Hey boss what's up?" He says casually like we are sitting in my office.  He continued talking. Telling me about how the bullets missed my main organs and how I'm a lucky man. Etc. Etc. But that's not what i wanted to hear. " how's Nicole " i asked and he paused in his talking as i studied his face. "boss, she's ok but she's going through some stuff right now". " what stuff?" . "As you know boss she was sexually and physically abused. Plus she lost the baby.  She's still in shock and unconscious. We sedated her." He says.  "We don't know in what state of mind she'll be in , but physically she's ok . She just needs some rest ." Ok i said. "Can i see her?". " when she awakes we will see how she reacts to her doctor and we will let you know. Get some rest yourself boss. Cynthia will bring Nico later on to see you". Ok i said and relaxed a bit, while Rogers updated me on the situation with the gang and injured men from the shootout. I couldn't sleep unless i see Nicole. I wanted to hold her so badly in my arms and comfort her for after all that happened with Anthony . I was angry i blamed myself.  I wanted so bad for her to tell me it's alright and it wasn't my fault but i know she wouldn't have because it is my fault. Hours passed and i still hadn't taken a rest some of the members came and checked me . After a lot of well wishes they left. Lex was in Rogers spot on the chair now and he watched me closely as i got out of bed and headed to the door with lex right behind .
I walked down the hall to Nicole's room. I pushed the door a little and peeped in. She was seated there staring at nothing in particular. I walked in she looked at me and lex then broke down in tears like she was holding that in for ages. I walked to her and she held up her hand stopping me and shaking her head. I froze . She pulled up her legs and wrapped her arms around them not looking at me anymore. I looked at lex completely lost as to what to do next. Lex patted me in the back and slowly took a step forward. She turned her head and looked at him and continued crying .As if that was an invitation he closed the steps quickly and sat down next to her as she buried her tear washed face into his shoulder. That's when i realized she needed a friend to comfort  her in this situation that I of all people (the man who loves her so much) put her in. I walked out with one last look at them and headed back to my room.  Rogers was there waiting on me. After one look at me he realized something was wrong. I told him all what happened.  He said that she needs time before she can talk to me.  She just needs a friend a listening ear right now to understand her . He told me to give her some time and she will come to me when she's ready. I ordered Thomas to keep Nico at home and i called him a lot. He asks for Nicole everytime. Days pass , Lex is here every day to keep Nicole company . Sometimes I go along with him to see her reaction . She doesn't cry anymore when she sees me but she doesn't speak to me either. She sits and talks to lex. Today is the day she goes home.  I got discharged a week ago but come every day with Lex. I got her paper work signed and ready while she sat on the bed Lex brought her bags out to the car. She looked so weak and tired. A doctor came and talked to her a few minutes while i waited now . We then headed outside to the car. She glanced my way once or twice . I watched her from the corner of my eyes. I opened the car door and we got in. Lex began driving. I turned to look at Nicole she was twisting her fingers around as if she's afraid. I told Lex to take us to the new house so Nicole can relax a little before seeing Nico. I bought this house the day i got discharged.  I only moved a few things there already. Lex nodded and turned to that direction it's about a 2 hrs drive. I placed my hand on Nicole's own and gave her a small squeeze. She turned her hand around and entwined it with mines and came closer to me and rest her head on my shoulder. She was silent all this time and i know she was hurting mentally but i didn't want to push her. I just squeezed her hand reassuringly to let her know I'm here and not going anywhere. She soon fell asleep with my arms around her. Close to an hour later we arrived at the house. I gave her a small nudge and she looked confused at first then she looked out the window and saw that we arrived. Lex parked in front the house and came out to open the door for us then went to the trunk to take out the bags. I came out and held my hand out for Nicole and she took it.  She swayed a little when she stepped out the car so i wrapped my arms around her waist while we walked to steady her. Lex carried the bags inside. It was still early in the evening.  So lex decided to get a few grocery stuff for us by the time we are here until Cynthia arrived tomorrow with Nico and the rest of things. Nicole walks in looking around. " Do you like it?" I asks. She looks at me then turns back and  answers hoarsely "Yes i like it. Is it yours?" " Its ours" i said. " oh!" She replies. "Can we talk?" I asks her.  A lot of emotions crossed her face before she nods. I lead her to the large living room that is furnished with some of the furniture from the old house and we sit down on the couch.  Where do i begin. I started telling her how sorry i am for everything and how much i love her and our son  and i regret everyday not going to the doctor with her then all this could of been avoided.  She sat on the chair crying her eyes out telling me how i wasn't there for her when she needed me. Is it because i don't love her and she's feeling so worthless and ugly right now. I feel so hurt that she feels this way and i promised her that i will prove the her that i will always be there for her. After a lot of tears she finally calmed down. I made some warm tea for her when Lex came back and she went to bed. Lex and i sat down to discuss some things and new security for her and Nico. I told him that she blames me for everything. I told him im going to make sure that my family safety is number one on my list . When we were finished organizing everything it was a little after 11 pm. I went up to check on her and she was still fast asleep so i closed the door and slept in the room next to hers.

Abuse is a very serious thing . If you know someone going through stuff like this be a helping hand or listening ear

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