This chapter contains some triggers

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Some physical and sexual abuse and violent parts are in this chapter and offensive language so read at your own risk.
                  Jason pov.
I just hanged up from talking to Nic. She went by the doctor office . She called to tell me that she's pregnant i was surprised but happy . Finally i can be there for her in this pregnancy.  All what i couldn't do for nico i will make sure and do it this time .About a half  hour later i was checking my schedule showing Rogers the dates and time my phone rang again an unknown number. I pit the phone by my ear and answered in an annoyed tone. What i hear make my voice cold and angry. A voice i recognized anywhere. "what the fuck do you want?" I asked already pissed. He chuckled mocking.  " i have something or should i say someone that belongs to you. I'll be in touch". With that he's gone. I quickly call Thomas at the house to see if nico was alright and if he saw anything weird he said no. Ok i said be alert and keep nico inside until we get back. I called Nicole next phone no answer. Tried Lex next no answer . Tried again and a female voice answered at first i thought it was nicole but then i listened properly and realized it wasn't.  " hello good day the person who owned this phone was in a terrible accident we are taking him to the hospital right now". She says as i hear the siren blasting in the background of the call. Ok i said after asking her to which hospital will he be taken too. She said person where the fuck is nicole. I grabbed my phone while heading out of the warehouse office shouting to Rogers to follow me as he now came out of the stock room.  We got in the car and headed to the hospital. After driving for what felt like hours we arrived at the hospital and was greeted by my doctor since i called him on our way here.  He told us that it wasn't the accident that caused Lex to be there .Lex was shot in his back and the bullet exited on the left side of his chest. Nicole was nowhere to be found. The doctors was in the room dealing with lex, at least he's alive, so i can find out what happened.  Close to an hour later they told us that we can see him , but they let us know they gave him some painkillers so he needs  some rest. I ignored them because i needed some answer.  I went into the room and saw him on the bed pale and wrapped in a lot of plasters and tapes. He looked at me when i walked in and started apologizing while he winches in pain. I asked him who shot him and he said Anthony.  Anthony is the brother of the guy  Gareth who Nicole saw me kill. He continued to explain to me all what happened, they was driving out from Mc Arnolds,  then he saw a car speeding then crashed into them . After they hit them two came out of the car and was dragging nicole out. He  drew his gun and fired at him and the other one had a gun too and shot lex in his back.  She was unconscious when they took her. I stormed out of there and called thomas  and updated him on the situation.
                         Nicole's pov
I work up on a bed in a shabby looking room. My body ached when i tried to move. I started to remember the accident and the noise what sounded like shots and darkness after. I looked around trying to see where the hell i was. I saw a barred up window and a door. I got up and tried to open the door but it was locked. I went around looking. No place out except that door. Just then i heard a key and someone opened the door. A tall muscular man came in and smirked at me. " Hello dear", he said stepping in an closing the door behind him. I took a step back. He seemed amused by my action. He told me who he  was and why he took me getting angry as he spat the words at me. He assured me that he's going to make Jason pay for killing his brother and he wants Jason to watch as he kills me. Then he leaves.  I watch him walk away horrified by what he said.  I break down crying,  i can't stay here i have to get away . What if i never see Nico again, or Jason , i have to try something.  I went back to the window and searched by shaking the board to see if any are loose. One was and i shaked it slowly so it wouldn't make any noise until it came off. I don't know long i was doing this for but i got off enough board so i can squeeze through. I pushed up and out of the shabby window and fell to the ground outside. I heard my kidnapper cursing inside so i got up and just ran with him coming after me . I ran as fast as i could which isn't very fast since my body is aching. I fell and before i can get up a hand clasped my hair and yanked me off the ground. " Do you actually feel i will let you get away before making you suffer and letting Jason watch?" he said close to my ears , almost short of breathe from running. I tried getting out of his grasp but he held on tighter , dragging me back to the house . I looked around trying to see if i can see a house or anyone to beg for help but we were surrounded by old buildings. I cried and kept scratching and screaming at him to let me go. He stopped backhanded me across my face to shut me up and continued bringing me to the house. I cried while feeling the sting and the fingerprints swollen onto my cheeks.  He pushed open the door to another room and pushed me onto the floor and started hitting me all over my body. While i screamed in pain he kept hitting me over and over until i blacked out. I awoken some time later with one of my eyes swollen shut and bruises all over my body. A cry hitched in my throat. I was  in a bed now and i rolled over to see my kidnapper asleep on the other side of the bed. I guess this is his room . I tried to move my hand that's when i realized it was handcuffed to the side of the bed. I started pulling and pressing it to no avail . My kidnapper stirred and was stretching across to me as I tried and tried to get free. He looked angry as i squirmed away from him. Are you trying to run away again? Didn't you see what happened earlier when you tried.". He got up now and came over to me while I'm crying and still trying to get the handcuffs off and started choking me. I scratched at his arms with my free hand and his hold only got tighter cutting off my air. " it doesn't matter to me if you're alive or dead i just want to see Jason suffer". He says. I don't know if is the sadness in my eyes or he didn't want me dead yet, he let go of my neck and i fell to the ground coughing filling my lungs back up with air. He looked at me with scorn and walked out and kicked the door behing him. I burst into tears rocking myself back and forth on the flooring. He didn't come back at all that night. Can't even remember when i fell asleep,  but i was awoken to him storming in the bedroom, angrily coming to me. " So your boyfriend think its ok to pissed me off . Let me show him how heartless i can be." He took out his phone and started recording.  He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me onto the bed, then propped the phone on the nightstand while facing it to me on the bed. He started ripping off my clothes while i screamed and cried.  As he does this he's talking to the camera " you think I'm bluffing when i told you i will hurt her, now watch this". He ripped off every piece of clothing i had on even my underwear as i tried to cover myself with my free hand. He started taking off his jersey then his pants and remained in his boxers pulled down to below his bottom before climbing over me on the bed pinning my other hand over my head . He used his legs and hand to spread open my legs before thrusting himself inside of me. I cried out in pain as he thrust in and out of me over and ove raping me. I screamed for what seemed like eternity before he came to a stop and put his disgusting lips on mines trying to kiss me. I bit him as hard as i could and heard him groaned in pain.  I let go and looked at him to see his lip bleeding. He was pass angry now he was furious he pulled up his boxers and started beating the crap out of me. When i couldn't take anymore i collapsed onto the floor in pain , swollen and bruised all over he unlocked the handcuffs walked out the room and locked the door behind him. I blacked out after that not knowing what happened. I awoken sometime later to the sound of gunfire  getting closer and closer till it was right outside my door. Then the door opened and there stood a man who looks like jason in the door way looking at me with so much hurt in his expression he looked down around  me thats when i noticed i was lying in a pool of blood he stepped towards me but i blacked out again.
This was sad .☹☹

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