Nicole pov

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Next day. I woke up and Jason was already dressed to go. He slept in this room with me last night . After nico was sleeping we continued what we starting in the small house. I watched him dress admiring his scars and tattoos. He told me he would be out in the warehouse today and he won't be home until next day. Apparently they are taking in new recruits. He kissed me and left after making me promise i won't leave the premises. I assured him i won't since I'm still tired from last night. I went to the kitchen after about an hour . Nico was there with cynthia and lex. "Hey stranger', he said as i came in. " Hey " i said "what's up". He told me how he was on a different duty for jason looking for someone but i didn't pry him too much . I had a feeling was the person from the mall. While we are chatting i was feeding nico since cynthia is making coffee. Jason never came home until the next night looking tired as ever but as soon as he saw me his face lit up. I was in his arms and we spent the rest of the night together. A few months pass by and jason and i can't be more happy, since nico is walking now. He's almost a year. Jason has him most days in his office with him. He has two new guards a man, Williams and a female Olivia. Cynthia and i are in the kitchen preparing lunch for everyone right now. Olivia seems like a nice person but i don't really pay attention to the new guards anyway. Rogers told me he's bringing kay to visit me soon. I'm excited for that after not seeing her for 2 years. Lex , cynthia and i along with nico spend our evenings at the back of the small house relaxing,drinking iced tea and sandwiches. " I'm thinking of putting a pool here".i said pointing at a spot to my right. " that's a lovely idea" cynthia said. "Yes it is " says lex. Few days later the contractors are here beginning to work. When i told Jason about the idea of a pool he agreed to it thinking that would occupy me so i won't notice he stressed a lot lately. Well he was right because it takes up most of my time. Plus I'm always tired these pass days. Within a week the pool is done. We decided to go there in the afternoon since today is the day kay is coming. Rogers came and dropped her off and went somewhere with Jason Olivia and Williams. Lex , cynthia ,Thomas , kay and i was here eating bbq that Thomas and Lex made. We ate and chatted. Then Thomas went back to the gate . Lex and cynthia was bathing in the pool with nico so me and kay sat down to talk. We talked about the last 2 years. While she's talking to me i start to feel nauseous and stood up and ran to a corner behind a tree and threw up, over and over. I started cold sweating. blasted salad. I went and sat on a bench and kay brought a glass of water for me. I gulped it down. After everyone was done we decided to go back to the house. Jason them came back about an hour later, Rogers took kay home and she gave me her phone number and i promised to call her tomorrow to let her know how i was feeling. I was fold up on the bed when Jason came upstairs. He came with some hot chicken soup what cynthia made . I sat up and took it and started eating some . It tasted real good . We went to sleep after. Next morning i got up rushed to the bathroom again and threw up again. I bathed and changed afterwards then went to the kitchen. Jason was already in his office. I grabbed two crackers from the cupboard and ate that. I then went to the office. Jason was on the phone, he looked worried when he looked at me, so i guess my face looks horrible. Hd hanged up. "Good morning, how are you feeling.?" " Still under the weather"." I said slowly " I just called my doctor and he said for you to come in since he can't make a house call until tomorrow. So I've organized for lex to be your guard . He'll be here shortly, go get ready" he says while coming over to me and caressing my arms. "Ok" i said. He then kisses me. He pulls away as our panting increase. He chuckles . " You should go get ready before i take you right here now ". I turned around and left i went to change. I came back out and lex and Jason was in front of the door talking. Jason had a very angry expression while he was talking to lex. Warning him i think. His expression softened when he saw me. " you ready to go?"he asks . "Yes" . He walked over to me as lex walked outside and kissed me and said " be careful ok, i will be at the warehouse you can call me when you're leaving". I said ok walked out and waved to Nicolas and cynthia walking on the grounds while Nicolas sends kisses for me. So cute.I enter the car and lex strikes up conversation after conversation brightening my morning. Today is going to be a wonderful day. We drove to the doctors office laughing and talking. We finally arrived. I walked into the office , lex followed me in but not in a way for whoever to know he was my guard. My name was called about 5 minutes after. I explained my symptoms to the doctor and after few test he came back with my results. As i expected he told me I'm pregnant. I wasn't even surprised . I called Jason and told him the news he was happy and told me we will go out to dinner later to celebrate. I told lex i wanted to bring something for nico. So we stopped at Mc Arnolds to get a kids meal for him . He likes the toy that you get with it. We were now driving out of the drive thru when i heard lex said " what the fuck" .then a loud crash and then our car was spinning out of control before heading into a parked car. I was drifting in and out. I remembered someone talking about what to do with me. Then they made a call asking if they should shoot me too or take me. I started to panic. Then i was being moved more like dragged then i heard 2 bangs then 1 bang sounding like shots then i drifted off again.

Things take a turn for the worse in the next chapter.  Keep reading everyone

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