Jason's pov

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This chapter contains some triggers and some recaps of sexual and physical abuse and obscene language.
I woke early the following morning. Went to the bathroom and got ready and headed to Nicole's room. I knocked on the door and she said enter. I stepped in she was already changed and combing her hair. " good morning how did you sleep?" I asked her. "Ok, first good night rest i got in a long while". She looked down as she said the last part. I watched her as she twisted her hair uncomfortably as she realized that i didn't know that she hasn't been sleeping well since the incident. I took her hand stopping her from twisting her hair. " You know i love you and you can talk to me whenever you're ready, I'm here for you." I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. She tensed up . Maybe that was too soon, but then she relaxed and put her head on my chest. I held her like this for a while until my phone rang into the silence of the room making her jump a little before she pulled away. I held onto her as i took out the phone and answered it. Rogers was on the line . Nico was asking for me and when his mummy is coming home. I told him let me talk to Nicole first. I cupped her face in my hand . " You think you can see our son and Cynthia today or when you're ready?" I asked her, searching her face as she answers. " Yes but a little later." She spoke softly while " Do you think you can get Dr. Andrews to come this morning?". I was surprised by her question, so i asked are her if she's sure she wants to see him. She said yes. I said ok and left to go call him while she went to the kitchen . Dr. Andrews answered on the second ring. He's a psychologist. Lex must of told her about him. I wasn't angry i was relieved that she decided to see someone but i didn't want to make her feel like she's broken and needed fixing. He said he will be over in the next hour after i gave him the address. I went to the kitchen and made some coffee while Nicole sat down to eat or i should say make soup with the untouched pancakes she just made. Lex came after and helped himself to a few of the left over pancakes while i watched her. " Good morning guys Lex said." She just gave him a weak smile. " Boss what are we doing today?" He asks while stuffing his mouth. " not sure yet but i think you will need to go meet Cynthia and Nico and help Rogers and Thomas move the rest of things here. He said ok and finished up eating making small talk with Nicole. After eating he left to go organize with Rogers, leaving me and Nicole alone. I walked over to her side of the table and sat down next to her as she was deep in thoughts. "Are you ok?" . She says yes. " can we talk" but before she can answer Dr. Andrew called for me to buzz him in. Haven't gotten around to get a guard for the gate here yet but soon. A few seconds later he knocked on the door and i opened the door and let him in. After greeting each other i lead him to the living room where Nicole is now seated waiting. I sat in a corner on a chair listening and watching . He introduced himself and asked her name she answered softly . She kept on glancing in my direction at every question he asked. He noticed this too so he asked if i can step out if the room until he's done. I went to my new office and checked on my shipments. I checked dates and times and made a few calls to inform the gang that I'm moving to this new location also. An hour later there was a knock on my office door. I said enter and the doctor peered in an said he needed me a minute. I walked out the office behind him and followed him to the office . When i walked in i saw Nicole in a corner of the room ,her eyes was red from crying. Andrews started talking. He told her to express her feelings to me. She looked at me before it all came pouring out. Nothing less than what i expected to hear. She told me she's done with me and everything else she wants to leave because this us all my fault and i dragged her into this life style without thinking of the consequences. She doesn't want to be with me anymore and that she's moving out . I felt so hurt by that but it was the truth. All that happened to her was my fault and everything was because of that one evening when i killed Gareth. Her world has been turned upside down because of me. But i love Nicole with all my heart. Yes me a supposed to be cold hearted gang leader loves Nicole and our son Nico more than anything in this world. So that's why i have to agree with her . Keeping her and Nico safe is my main priority. " ok!" I said " but what about Nico?" " he's coming with me." She says. I just nodded. I agreed to buy a house for her to live close by and she refused so i suggested some place a little further but i had two conditions to that. One is that Cynthia and Lex has to come with me to for security for her and our son and the next one is that i can come visit our son anytime i want. She agreed to that since it won't be close to me. I walked out without glancing at her. I called Rogers to update him and Lex also. I made a few calls and got the house about 30 mins drive from my new home. Nicole wasn't so happy about that but i didn't really care. Later that night they were all settled in with new furniture and everything. I went with them to the house. Nico didn't want me to leave when was time for me to go. I assured him i will he back tomorrow.
A few months later:
Tomorrow is Nico 2nd birthday and after some argument with his mother I'm keeping it at my mansion instead of her home. Nicole didn't want me to keep it here because I'm currently in a somewhat relationship with someone. It's nothing to serious i met her at one of my hotels. I own 4 so far and she was one of the customers there for a weekend and after some partying and drinks we ended up sleeping together. Fast forward to now. She's helping me organize Nico birthday since Nicole stop talking to me after i met Sierra. Sierra is beautiful yes, but she's isn't Nicole so i doubt it will be serious between us other than sex. I still love Nicole and no other woman can take her place in my heart. Tonight is also our two month anniversary, which she's making a big deal about. I don't really see the fuss about it. She wants to go to a charity party. I agreed so i called Lex to tell Nicole to get Nico ready early so i can take him for a drive first. I got ready for the party. I was dressed first so i headed downstairs to check a few things with Rogers before i left.He and his wife Kara who is also Nicole's bestfriend moved closer to her since she moved out from here. So they spend most of their weekends together at either Nicole's house or Roger's own. I'm glad with that arrangement since Rogers keep an eye on things when Lex can. Lex on the other hand , a point in time i thought maybe i had to fucking shoot him for Nicole, but all that changed when he got in a relationship with one of my members. Her name is Amanda. She and Nicole go shopping together so Lex is always around Nicole . Not because Nicole and i aren't together anymore that doesn't mean she can fuck with any one else. There was a knock on the door and Sierra walked in . She looked good real good. I wonder what Nicole would look like in something like this. Fuck! I said to myself. I got up and walked to her and we headed out. We arrived at the party and there was lots of people there taking out photos and stuff. When was out turn to go in there was lots of reporters and media. They starting asking questions "Hello good day Mr Mathews long time no see." One said as he took a picture of me and Sierra and shook my hand. Who is this lovely lady?". "she's my girlfriend." I answered. He continued " people say that your a daddy now." " yes i am he's almost two years." I said. "So the rumors are true Mr billionaire playboy Mathews is a real estate man now and a daddy, well ladies you can see he's taken now too bad. What's your son name he asks Sierra. " oh no I'm not the mummy ." She says. "Ooooh, well Mr Mathews it seems like you're still the playboy after all." He chuckles before letting us through to the event.
Nicole's pov
When Jason bought the house for me i was happy to be free from him. It was great at first then i started to miss him and regretted the things i told him. Even thought things didn't work out for us i still loved him. Then he met Sierra and everything changed. He hardly came here anymore. He sends Rogers for Nico or Lex drops him. So he really moved on. I wonder if he loves her. Just then while I'm in my own thoughts about Jason i put on the tv and hear his name on the news. I look on as he talks to the reporters and see how beautiful Sierra and i feel jealous that everyone knows her as his girlfriend and not me. No one will ever know about us and how i love him . I break down crying. After so many months i tried to be strong for my son i finally break down. From being raped and beaten because of his love for me and almost being killed by him twice I'm seeing him happy with someone else. That's enough to break anyone. I was crying and shaking so much i didn't even know Nico had woken up. " mummy why you cwying?" He asks as he climbs onto my lap and wipes my tears. I look at him he looks so much like his daddy but now he looks so sad just the way I'm feeling . Before i can answer him he looks at the tv and sees Jason. " Mummy look daddy and aunty si si" . Hearing this makes me cry more. He looks at the tv then back at me and says " daddy make mummy sad?".
" its ok mummy . I wove you so don't wowry bout daddy." I had to smile. Nico lights up my life even in the saddest times. I fell asleep with him in my arms. He woke me up early the next day . He was excited cause Jason was picking him up early this morning since today is his birthday. " happy birthday my pumpkin." I said planting kisses all over his face he just giggles while i tickle him. " mummy tickling me." He said between giggles. An hour later he is dressed and ready to go. Rogers came for him and told me Jason said be ready by 2 . I helped Cynthia clean out and stuff since Nico wasn't here. We finished in time and was ready by 2. I dressed to turn heads after all its my son's party. Its just Jason's gang members who will be there. When Lex came to pick us up , i saw his eyes widen at my outfit, i smirked. The car ride to Jason's mansion was silent from me . Cynthia and Lex did all the talking i only nodded yes or no. I didn't want to go there to see Jason happy with Sierra. We arrived and she was the first person i saw. Jason wasn't here yet with Nico. I saw Kara there so i went across and was chatting with her and Amanda. Few minutes later Jason's jeep drove up the driveway. Jason and an excited Nico came out the car and everyone shouted happy birthday Nico. I walked to where he was and hugged him and kissed him up as he squealed in delight. All the while Jason eyes was glued on me. Just the reaction i needed. I never watched in his direction but i saw him from the corner of my eye. I walked around with him talking to the other gang members. All of them telling me about how long the haven't seen me and none of them seems to like Sierra. They say she's too bossy and wants them to do as she say when Jason says otherwise. I told them that's not my problem. After Nico got his cake he was a little tired and i was ready to go home. I told Lex to put all of Nico gifts in his car trunk. He said he can't cause Jason told him that he's dropping Nico and i home. I saw Jason and Sierra in a heated argument a short while ago so i really doubt he will be dropping us home. I went to Rogers next since he and Kara were looking to leave. He said ok and went looking for Jason to let him know that he's out for the night. He came back out the house ." Boss said to wait in his jeep across there for him and for Lex to drop Cynthia home. " He says this while pointing to the vehicle in the driveway. I sighed and went and took Nico from cynthia and opened the door and sat down in the back with Nico who was asleep now. I was beginning to get impatient now as i saw Rogers driving out with Kara who was waving good bye to me. Then comes Jason his expression was angry which means he was fighting with Sierra. Anyway that's not my business. He got in and drove down the driveway. Lex drove out behind us. Jason went the opposite direction from Lex. It was now 6.30. He spoke into the silence of the car. "Are you hungry?" . " No! I'm good." He chuckled at my response . " i didn't see you eat even a sandwich at the party so I'm sure your hungry ." I didn't say anything else. After driving for a while he pulled in to Mc Arnolds drive thru. He ordered for me. After we go the order he drove me home. We arrived and he drove up to the house and came and took a sleeping Nico out and carried him to his room. I stayed in the living room waiting for Cynthia and lex who just walked in. Jason came in and cleared his throat like he was going to say something then he saw them and changed his mind. He just gave me a kiss on my cheeks and told me that i look very beautiful today and he walked out and left.
Jason pov
I carried Nico to the beach early in the morning . He told me that his mother was crying alot last night when she saw me on tv and that he felt sad because i made his mummy sad. After that he really enjoyed himself i wanted to make sure that he had a happy birthday. We went to the mall after and i got him everything he saw and wanted. Now time to head to the party. I'm wondering if Nicole arrived already. We drove up the driveway and i started scanning the faces for her. What i saw made me stare. The most beautiful face and body here. I couldn't look at no one else even Sierra when Nicole came to the jeep and picked up Nico kissing him up. She wouldn't even look at me. After a while Sierra got my attention. My eyes still wandered to Nicole . She was laughing and talking to Rogers wife and a few others. Sierra started passing around sandwiches and snacks . Everyone ate except Nicole. She refused everything politely. After Nico cut his cake he started getting fussy because he was tired from the long day. Sierra wanted to go out and i was really tired. She started bitching my head about Nicole and how i never looked at her like that and that's embarrassing in front of the gang and all sort of fuckery. To make things worst i told Lex to tell Rogers i would be dropping Nicole and my son home. This fucking bitch started cursing me earning herself a fucking slap to settle down. Who the fuck does she think she's speaking too. I told her to leave if she wants to because no one comes before my son not even her. She storms out and goes up to the room slamming the door behind her. I walked out and to the jeep, Nicole was already seated inside with our son. I drove off. Since Nicole didn't eat anything i asked her if she was hungry and she said no. Which is a lie i know her too much. I drove to Mc Arnolds and ordered something for her and drove her home . I carried our son to his room and came back to talk to Nicole but Lex and Cynthia was already there. So i just kissed her on her cheeks and told her she looks very beautiful and left. I drove back home. To meet Sierra and her clothes missing. Good fucking riddance. I hope she knows to keep her mouth shut.

3000 words. Wow was the chapter exciting feedbacks and comments are greatly appreciated thank you.

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