Jason's pov

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Months later and Nicole's birthday is approaching
I'm studying what to get for her. Even though we aren't together Nico made sure and told me to buy a gift for her so she won't be sad. Maybe i should get her a ring. I should ask Lex what i should get her. Lex and Rogers are the relationship guys here not me. Since the night of Nico birthday I haven't spoken to Sierra. She called me after apologizing but i never took her on. Rogers asked for the club for Nicole's birthday to keep a surprise party for her. Cynthia will be keeping Nico that night since Nicole thinks is a dinner Kara and Amanda are carrying her. I helped them plan it all. I haven't gotten the chance to talk to her alone. But I'm planning to when i come back. It's time i tell her how i feel but I'm too damn stubborn to say anything.I won't be in the country for her birthday since i have an important meeting to attend to. The day arrived for the party i was already up early and packing for my trip after spending the whole day yesterday with my son. Had a few things to do in the warehouse before i left. I organized with Kara to get Nicole's gift. After there we headed to the airport boarded the plane Thomas and i and left.
Nicole's POV:
Today is my birthday and Kara and Amanda decided to bring me out. That's a first seeing as I'm always home. I spend the day cooking ,eating cake and ice cream by the pool with my son and Cynthia. Night came and Kara and Amanda arrived with Lex she handed me two bags one contained the most beautiful black and gold heels i have ever seen and the other bag contained a very expensive two piece dress. I took it out of the bag and held it to my chest watching it in the mirror. This is gonna be a head turner. " i can't wear this." I said as I turned around watching how i looked in it. The top was a strappy black top with a low neckline showing the little cleavage i have, and the skirt was a black fitted knee length skirt with a thigh high slit on the left. Wow. Is all i can say. I wonder what Jason would say if he sees me in this. " stop complaining. You look sexy." Kara says. "Yes you do now lets go Lex is waiting." Amanda says agreeing with her. I sighed and followed them out. We drove for about an hour before pulling up to a club. It looks kind of familiar. " this is your idea of birthday fun for me ? You know i hate clubs." They both smirk." The pulled me along . While walking i realized the club's name is Nico's. Nice name i said to myself when we pushed the door and walked in i was surprised by a lot of happy birthday boss lady greetings, confetti and lots of smiled and hugs . Watching around was all of Jason's gang. That's when i realized that this is his club, the club we met in and he actually named it after our son. Rogers was here too. Mostly everyone was here except Jason,Thomas and a few others. I really missed him. Lex brought drinks for us. We were just chatting and talking. Lex phone rang and he walked away to answer. Amanda went to dance and he joined her after the call and they headed to the back. Kara and I sat chatting by the bar. The bartender comes. "hey boss lady what are you drinking?" He asks . I'm confused kara and i watched one another. So i asked him who is he referring to as boss lady he says me. Jason told all of them to call me boss lady. So they have no choice. Kara laughs at that as the bartender who's name is Chris goes on doing his work serving the rest of the members. I turn to watch the party and saw someone walk in looking just like Jason but maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. He heads to the back where i assumed the office is, since I've never been here after we met. Everyone here reminds me of him. I missed him. I told Kara about Jason and i and how i feel about him that i missed him and was to scared to tell him . Me thinking he has another woman. She suggested i should tell him. After a while I was ready to go home i checked my phone it was after 10. Kara was tired too since she has to work in the morning. She was ready to leave also. She went looking for Rogers. I went back to the bar to ask Chris for a club soda since i was looking to leave. He came and handed me the cup of soda and asked " Is that all boss lady?" but before i could answer him he looked over my shoulder and his expression got serious and he nodded to whoever was there and walked away. I turned to see who was there and looked straight into Jason's eye. He was staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face but his eyes was full of lust. Just looking at him made my knees weak. Chris came back and handed Jason a glass of champagne and he sat next to me wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me into him. He kissed me on my cheeks and said "Happy birthday baby, you look very beautiful." Thank you i replied. All kind of weird but good feelings was coming now. He chatted with a few of the members when they came to the bar but his hand never moved from my waist. It felt weird but so good. Rogers and Kara finally appeared and bid their farewells to me, since Jason told them he will be giving me a lift. I never looked at him but he keep his attention to me even though he was in a conversation with them. Lex and Amanda came to. Amanda apologized for bailing on me. They had something to do for Jason. Then they left. Jason said let's go. He made a call and a minute later his jeep pulled up. He opened the door for meand went to the driver side as a member came out. Jason drove me to the house . He was silent the whole drive home. There was a car in the driveway when we reached. He got out when we arrived and came around and opened my door for me. We went inside. Thomas was here watching the house as Nico and Cynthia slept. Jason was talking to him now. I went to check on Nico he was sound asleep. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water . Jason was still here i can hear him and Thomas talking. A little while later i heard the door closed and a vehicle drive off. I think Jason left. I heard footsteps coming to the kitchen i didn't turn around , thinking it was just Thomas coming to say good night. The kitchen door opened and closed then silence. Annoyed i turned around and Jason was just looking at me with lust like i was his favorite food or something. "You don't know how fucking sexy you look right now." He closed the distance to where i was standing and crashed his lips on mines without saying anything . Things started getting heated as we kissed with his hands on my waist. He pulled away and rest his head on mines. " You look so beautiful and sexy right now i can't keep my hands off of you."He started kissing me again he trailed kisses along my neck and my jaw while his hands pulled up my skirt , he lifted me up and placed me on the countertop behind me. As things start to get steamy I pushed him away panting trying to catch my breathe. He looked confused at first then he took a step back and composed himself. "I'm sorry , i shouldn't have done that." He ran his hand through his hair before i could say anything he turned and walked out. I wasn't ready to get close to him yet, i hope he understands. I watched his back as he closed the door behind him. I came down from the counter and went to my room. I didn't hear any vehicle leave so he definitely is here still, maybe in Nico's room. I changed and laid on my bed and soon fell asleep.
Next morning i got dressed and headed downstairs Nico was throwing a tantrum. I went out front to see what he wanted now. I saw Cynthia trying to calm him down Jason was nowhere to be seen and his car wasn't here so he left already because Thomas was back. "what happen baby?" I asked as i took him up into my arms. Cynthia answered for him. " he wanted to go with Mr Mathews , but he said he'll come for him a later." I said "ok!". Nico wasn't hearing that. Lex came and took him for a drive to settle him down . They went to the zoo and mall and came back with lots of toys and stuff. Nico came and hugged me. At least he's settled down. " mummy when is daddy coming back, why can't daddy tay with me, don't he wove me?". I was surprised by this. I didn't know what to tell him. So i told Lex to call Jason to come get him.
Jason's pov:
After last night i needed to stay away from Nicole for a while. I can't control my self around her. Everytime i see her i want her and maybe she's not ready for that yet. I need to get laid, so i should call up Lacey. That female waitress in the club. I will tonight. My phone rings its Lex telling me that Nico wants to see me. I went over to the house for him. When i drove to the gates i could see Nico excited as ever as his mom held his hand waiting for me. I parked the car and got out and he came running to me. " Daddy daddy." I grabbed him up in a hug . " yes son what you doing?". " wanna go with daddy" he says in his baby voice . "Ok, lets go" . Nicole walked up as I buckled Nico in his seat . " Can we talk?" She asks. I nodded there was nothing to talk about. She doesn't want to be with me so I'm giving her space. " not now." I said and walked around to the driver side got in and drove off. I watched in the mirror she was still standing in the spot watching me. I spent the rest of the day with my son. I called Lex to come for him since i didn't want to see Nicole again. When he left i went to the club . When Lacey saw me she came in the office behind me " need some company tonight boss?". " yes, you know the drill" . She got on her knees and started doing what i wanted. Nicole kept coming to my mind even though i tried to forget her. After we were done, later i left.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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