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"Happy 600th day oppa!! I miss you!"

"Happy 600th day of love too! I miss you more my Jihyo. How's Bangkok?"

"Bangkok seems lonely today without you oppa 😞 I wish you were here."

"Should I fly there today?"

"Hahahaha!! We both know it's impossible. It's okay... I'm just saying I really miss you."

"Awww... my baby is being adorable again. Don't give me long face though, I'd like to see your bright smile instead. Oppa is really tired and I need an energy booster."

In an instant, Jihyo shows a big smile; crunching her nose a little. Suga of course ended up smiling with her too. Her adorable girlfriend never fails to lighten up his mood. Tired or not, he will definitely gain more energy seeing her bright smile.

"There... that's a lot better...I can already feel the energy coming through me..."

"I'm looking forward to see you oppa, just two more days..."

"Yeah, two more days love, and we'll be together again. How's your concert anyway?"

"I'm so grateful! A lot of people came to see us. The concert was really successful oppa. I still can hear the crowd's cheering in my ears."

"How many buckets of tears did you cry this time?"

"Eeyy... you think I'm a crybaby?"

"Aren't you? If I didn't know you love, maybe you'll deceive me but... I know you enough, you are a crybaby."

"Ha,ha,ha... very funny."

"But it's true! Anyway, did you wear it in your concert?"

Jihyo got flustered, Yoongi is talking about her new wrist watch. It was his gift for their 600th day anniversary which she received yesterday night. Suga even attached a photo in the present wearing the same watch making it their new couple item.

"I did, thanks for the gift Yoongi oppa, I like it a lot."

"Are you wearing it now?"

"Hmm?? No, uhm... I already put it to safety."

"Is that so? But did you like it?"

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, not that I doubt you'll like it... I'm just checking 😅"

After a few more minutes, the two call it a night and goes to bed with a smile on their faces. The couple just celebrated their 600th day and although they are miles apart due to work, never did they forget to make their day special. Twice is currently doing their Twicelights Asia Tour and in two days, they will be having a week's rest before going to their US Tour. BTS is also busy going around the world. However, Jihyo can't help but to worry about her wrist watch. She indeed wear it during their concert but at one point, their stylist asked her to remove it as she needs to wear other accessories to match with her outfit. She remembered putting it inside her bag but after the concert, it went missing. She already talked to their stylist and managers and they say they will look for it. With a deep sigh, she force her self to sleep. Tomorrow, she will definitely look for it again.

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