10. Love Conquers All

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--Last Chapter--

BTS dorm...

Suga stayed at his studio staring blankly in his phone. He knew Jihyo will not be able to call him but he's hoping his phone will light up showing her name on the screen. He is aware that his members are making an urgent meeting at the living room but no one cares to call him. Maybe he wasn't supposed to join the conversation? Maybe they are trying to make a decision on his behalf? Whatever reason they have, he couldn't care less anymore. 

Twice dorm...

Mina was summoned to JYPE to join her members. She falls in agony seeing how much devastated they all look like. It is not an easy decision to call Mina but Nayeon decided to involve her with them because she is after all a Twice member too. Together, they all held hands and waited for Jihyo to make any reactions. Nayeon and Jeongyeon keeps begging their managers to let Jihyo talked to Suga. They knew that the two can only decide after they can talk. All the managers, though sympathizing with the members are hesitant to give in. In the end, they were not granted of their wish.


Three in the afternoon: BTS dorm

"Hey Suga, Jackson is on the line asking for you."

Thinking that he might be able to talk to Jihyo, Suga grabbed Namjoon's phone right away;

"Jackson, are you with Jihyo?"

"Man, I'm giving you a chance to talk to her. You two better come up with a solid solution this time around. I am putting Jihyo into risk again by helping out so you have to make sure it will be worth it."

"I will Jackson, thank you so much!"

As soon as Jackson learned that Twice are summoned in the office by the CEO himself, he knew immediately that something is off. He made his way to meet the girls and later found out what have happened. Jackson has been rooting for the couple's happiness since day 1 and seeing them now is nothing but a deja vu of the past. He clenched his teeth in frustration. How come the couple have always been tested this way?

Jackson made his decision, he will help Jihyo one last time. Seeing his dongsaeng spiritless is like piercing his heart. He dialed Namjoon's number hoping he can reach Suga. To his luck, his old time friend has always been the right answer. Namjoon gave the phone to Suga, eventually he also handed his phone to Jihyo. The latter shakes her head, no afraid that she might also implicate Jackson from the CEO's wrath.

"Come on Jihyo, you can only make up your mind after you talked to him. I'll come clean with Pd-nim after this so you don't have to worry. Just talk to him please."

She hesitantly grabs the phone; hand shaking in fear. She puts the device in her ear to listen on the other line;

"Love, are you there? Jihyo...please say something."

"Yoongi oppa.."

"Jihyo! Finally!! How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

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