6. Goodbye Maldives

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Early morning the next day, the couple needs to wakeup early to pack their stuff. They have to leave soon and goes back to their idol self, clearing schedules day by day.

"Sleepy head, wakeup. We need to go back to Seoul."

"One more minute please."

Suga reach out his arms to Jihyo pulling her closer.

*the night before*
The two ended up sleeping in Jihyo's room again after they played some board games. When Jihyo came back from making sandwich, Suga is already snoring on her bed. She smiled at the sight before her and simply let him take a rest. She  crouched down on his side to get a closer look of the sleeping Suga. On  her hushed voice she told him;

I knew you never meant to hurt me Yoongi. Whatever's between you and Seulgi unnie I'll just put it into rest. I trust you no matter what because I know you deserve it.

She patted his hair and land a soft kiss on his forehead before she decided to get up and clean the board games cluttered around the room. Soon after, she took the other side of the bed to sleep and as if Suga subconsciously know someone lays down beside him put his arm on top of her, pulling her closer. Jihyo can't help but laugh softly. He's obviously asleep but he still managed to flutter her heart. She observed him a little longer but the guy is really sleeping. Before she close her eyes, she whisper love notes in his ears praying he will dream of her beautifully.

“We don't have much time oppa. We need to leave soon or we'll miss our flight."

"Let's just book the next flight."

"As if you're not flying to Japan soon after. You have schedule today, remember?"

"Ugh! Right.. Why do I have to work so soon?"

"Because your BTS and highly demanded boy group! Now wakeup and prepare to depart."

"Aren't you going to Japan too? You always have schedule there."

"Not today though. Pull yourself together, oppa. Stop whining and get ready already. I'm hungry."

With that saying, he immediately gets up from bed. They plan to eat breakfast before riding the plane though they will be served food too.

At seven in the morning, the two is already at the airport waiting to board the plane. At the boarding station, they met Red velvet members and exchange greetings. Coincidentally, they have booked the same flight to Seoul.

"It's a pleasure to see you two here."   --Irene

"Yes, you too unnie. How's your vacation?"   --Jihyo

"It's good. We enjoyed our break so much. And you two?"  --Wendy

"Same, we enjoyed it a lot."

"Aaww... Isn't it nice to go on a trip with your boyfriend? I'm envious."   --Joy

"Then go on a date too Joy-ah."   --Suga

"Eeyy, as if it's easy. You guys are just the lucky ones you know."

"Suga oppa, let's go out with the members next time.... with Jihyo too."   --Seulgi

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