8. Stay Strong

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Jihyo is still in cloud nine when she joined her members heading to their first schedule that morning. Although they were just about to start their day, she's already thinking when they will finish all their activities so she can meet Suga again. She wanted to invite him for a dinner date tonight; maybe on their favorite restaurant or somewhere nearby. She's also thinking of what food to eat; whether steak or seafood or something simpler like stew and such. When finally she cannot decide anything, she dialed Suga's number for a consultation. After a few rings, he answered the phone with a happy tone;

📞 Hello, miss me already love?

📞 Uh, yeah? Are you busy until late at night?

📞 Why, you wanna meet me again?

📞 Mmm (nod) can't I?

📞 Of course you can, I'll check my entire schedule and call you okay-- oh shit!!

📞 Oppa?? What's wrong?? (wheels screeching at the background) hey, Yoongi?! What's going on?? Yoongi--

Unknown to Jihyo, Suga is actually on a race while driving. When he was about to overtake again, a red sports car suddenly appeared causing a minor collision. However, the driver of the red car didn't stop there and bump him once more. Suga was caught off guard and loss his control in the steering wheel. He hits the car ahead of him this time with a great impact and finally pull his car to a stop. The incident is quite messy involving five cars in total. After his last collision, Suga have lost his consciousnesses due to the impact. People at the vicinity calls for help and soon after, ambulances were summoned to give rescue. Police starts to investigate as well and of course Suga made it to the headlines.

He was brought to Seoul Hospital right away to receive treatment. The hospital calls their agency to notify Suga's condition. BTS members with their managers came running  as soon as they got the information about Suga. A lot of reporters are already camping outside the hospital; even trapped the boys when they arrived but thanks to the hospital's security they were able to dodge all of them. Jihyo was notified soon after by Taehyung and she begged her members, managers even JYP to meet Suga. But the CEO strictly forbids her for seeing him at the moment for whatever reasons. Jihyo refused to join the members attending their schedule and stayed back in the waiting room; crying. She calls Taehyung again to ask for Suga's condition. The boy kindly answers her call and feeds her with information she needed. 

Suga is still unconscious at the moment but the doctor had said that he will be waking up soon. He only received a cut in his forehead and minor neck fracture due to the impact of the collision but he will be fine after a good amount of rest. Everyone inside his hospital suite sighed in relief after hearing the doctor. Jin patted the maknaes whose already on the verge of crying. Rapmon and Hoseok meet each other's eye and shook their heads in disbelief; half smiling. They can only thank the heavens for keeping Suga alive. Their managers are all busy calling off their schedule, apologizing to many people and finally receiving a good amount of scolding from the Bighit's CEO. They were all summoned back to the company for an emergency call but they begged for a few more hours until Suga wakes up which finally the company allowed them to. 

Jin apologized over and over again to their managers who are mostly to receive the impact of Suga's momentarily stow away to meet Jihyo in secret. Rapmon noticed them whispering in the corner and decided to approach them. As soon as he heard Jin apologized, he bowed down 90 degrees to the managers too and felt responsible as the leader of the team. Soon, the rest of the members followed suit and beg for forgiveness. Jin tried to console the CEO not to suspend worse fired their managers and promised they will all behave properly from now on. They will act more maturely and as the oldest member of BTS will be more responsible in looking after his members. 

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