4. Misconception

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Jihyo silently followed Suga back to their hotel suite. She's a bit annoyed for Suga's sudden change of mood. He's perfectly fine before she went out to buy them drinks but everything has changed when Suga fetched him. The guy is obviously acting weird for some unknown reason. To her further dismay, he won't say anything to clear her confusion. 

"At least let me know what's wrong Min Yoongi, don't dismiss me as if I'm not concern to you."

"Like I said, I'm just tired."

"I don't believe you. You said something happened when I left you two to buy drinks. Tell me what happened."

"It's no big deal, come on Jihyo, I want to sleep now."

Suga went to his room without even sparing Jihyo a glance. For the entire span of their relationship, never did Suga left her hanging. Even if his impatient, he will try his best to explain his mind to her because that's the only way for them to have a proper understanding of each other. This time however, he's purposely denying her of an explanation. 

What is there to be bothered about between Yoongi oppa and Seulgi unnie?? Don't tell me.....????

Jihyo shook her head; forcefully denying her sudden thought. There is no way the two will have a connection to each other besides being colleagues in the same industry. Seulgi is even one of her closest friends to begin with. It is ridiculously impossible in the first place. She heave a deep sigh garnering all the patience she can summon. 

Not today Jihyo, both of us isn't in the right mood to talk about it. 

She decided to go back to her room too and prepare to sleep. 

Suga escaped Jihyo's interrogation for the time being. Though he knew that she's gonna ask him again when the morning comes. He bury his self in the comforts of his bed. For now he'll cherish his alone time and think of how he will explain things to Jihyo without her misunderstanding him. He didn't want to ruin their long-awaited vacation just by a mere mistake. Okay... to him it might not be a big deal but girls being girls, he knew that staring at a woman a little too long may imply something different. If Jihyo heard it first from someone else, then he might not be able to explain himself properly.

"Wait... if I acted like this the more she'll think something is fishy. Also, the more I act differently, the more Seulgi will think I have a liking on her."

Suga collected his self together and sits on top of his bed. If he will prolong his explanation, the more he will look suspicious at Jihyo's eyes. He exhaled deeply and decided to just tell her what happened. As he opened the door of his room, he heard a loud thud from Jihyo's room. He instantly run towards her but the door was locked. He forcefully twisting the door knob while banging her door;

"Jihyo, love what's going on?! Are you okay?? Please open the door."

His heart starts to hammer inside his chest when the woman inside did not respond to his call. He panicked and decided to force his entry. As he readied himself to knockdown the door, Jihyo suddenly opened it and they ended up colliding to each other instead. With Suga's quick hands, he managed to secure Jihyo in his arms. In a matter of split seconds, his back lands on the hard cold floor instead of Jihyo. He grunts in pain when he hit the floor with full force. 

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