7. Kiss and make up

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Few weeks have passed after the couple's Maldives vacation. A lot have happened as well between the couple; some are good, some are not. After their encounter with Red velvet's Seulgi, a lot of photos circulated the internet causing mishaps and misunderstandings. Fan wars almost broke out if not for the quick response of the idol's agencies. Yoongi even take it to himself to speak out; not only to defend himself but to protect his relationship with Jihyo. He doesn't like people talking about how well suited he is with Seulgi or anything similar in that context. Of course, undeniably Seulgi is beautiful but he already got a wonderful person by his side and no plans of looking at someone else. It was a big news to him that some fans have been very supportive in the idea of him dating Seulgi instead of Jihyo. Some even got the nerves to say that Seulgi is way better than her woman. With those comments lurking around, he initiated a Vlive to condemn those people and the views skyrocketed not long after. He didn't hold back and straightforwardly convey his thoughts in the situation. Some praised him, a lot has criticized him but the lad didn't bother. He's furious and disappointed, guilty even for making Jihyo yet again the center of a misunderstanding but this time however, he is the cause of her sufferings.

Although the issue died down after a few days, it doesn't mean that the couple was not affected. Jihyo had it bad even though she knew that she have the upper hand in the situation. First, she's neither the third party nor the cheater, instead she's the victim. Second, she earned people's sympathy; at most times at least. But those aren't enough to encourage her, instead she felt worse. As she scan people's opinion on the sudden rumor, all she have read was the divided opinions of many. As expected, although a lot of Once and Army are on their side, they are not the only fan club in Korea. Many supports Seulgi and giving her encouragement. There are few Armys too that instead of blaming Suga for "supposed" cheating on her, blamed her instead; accusing her not making efforts to keep their relationship strong. Jihyo have never been this affected before but this time, she feels it down to her bones. 

She started ignoring Suga's messages and calls. She refuse to join outdoor schedules too as much as she can avoid it. She deliberately begged their managers to keep her indoor; either guesting in a show without live audiences or help making music in JYP studio. The members starts to worry on the way she behaves. There should be something wrong with Jihyo that she haven't told them yet. They have learned a few things about what transpired in Maldives but seeing her reactions lately, the unnies become so sure that the leader is hiding something from the members.


One night when Twice schedule finished early, the girls gathered in their living room to eat while watching Nayeon's favorite drama. Jeongyeon noticed that Jihyo is simply sitting with them but her mind is so far away. She took the remote control sitting next to the bunny and turn off the television. Most of the members engrossed on the show complain but Jeongyeon ignores them; instead she called out Jihyo in her high pitch voice. The leader snapped out from her deep thoughts and innocently looked at Jeong.

"What's wrong with you Jihyo? You haven't been yourself lately."   --Jeong

Nayeon decided to join the conversation;

"Right, since we're all gathered together, why don't you tell us what's bothering you."   --Nayeon

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."   --Jihyo

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