2. A Tease

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The couple finally arrives at the ever beautiful island of Maldives. They booked a suite with two rooms in a five star hotel. Their room have a spectacular view of the ocean ahead of them not to mention the spacious living room and the luxury of the entirety of the suite. Jihyo felt a little embarrass letting Yoongi spend so much for a three day vacation but the lad didn't mind one bit. Anything that can makes her baby happy is nothing but a small expenditure for him because for one, Jihyo's happiness is the priceless thing he got. His money came from his hard work anyway so why not spend it to make himself happy? Technically, its not just for Jihyo's benefits but more for his.. because he becomes the happiest whenever he succeeds in making her happy. 

The two cuddled in front of the balcony, enjoying the fresh air from outside. Suga rest his head on top of Jihyo's shoulder, Jihyo lean closer to him for support. They silently savor the moment of being this close to each other; feeling their warmth, smelling each other's scent and listening to each other's heartbeat. Suga then tilt Jihyo's face and gave her a quick peck on the lips which soon becomes seeking, wanting for more and the lass gave in as she feels the same way too.

The two spend some quality time together inside their suite since nothing beats the private time they will have enclosed in the four walls of their room. They ordered both breakfast and lunch and dine in their living room while watching movie marathon. On their fifth movie, Jihyo's eyelids starts to get heavy. From her sitting position, she disentangled her self from Yoongi hug and lies down beside him; using his lap as her pillow. Suga smiled knowingly and took a throw pillow for her to hug. He knew she's about to sleep but she'll never admits to it. His hand teasingly caress her hair softly as if putting a baby to sleep and in no time, the trick does its magic. Jihyo's breathing becomes deeper indicating she's already in dreamland. Suga carefully reach for the tv's remote control and decreases the volume so as not to disturb Jihyo's nap. When the movie ends, he carefully lifts Jihyo's head and stood up. He opens the door to her bedroom and slowly picks her up to put into bed. He lays beside her afterwards; tapping her lightly. He looks at the time and was surprised that its already past dinner time. He decided to go out instead and buy them food 'cause he is very sure his princess will be hungry when she wakes up.


Suga went outside the hotel to feel the cold breeze. He's contemplating whether it is a good idea to come outside alone. He's sure Jihyo will enjoy the coldness of the night too. However, he doesn't want to disturb her rest. She's working too hard everyday and each time she gets herself a nap was a reward instead of necessity. He walks by the shore without his sleepers on, and from a distance a silhouette came into view. A woman with mid-length hair is enjoying herself swimming alone in the sea. Although its quite dark, her pearl white swimsuit stood out in the open. While she makes her way back to the shallow part of the sea, Suga finds himself staring stealthily. He keeps walking forward until the figure becomes familiar to him... and by fate, his eyes met hers. He froze for a bit, thinking he was caught staring. A mixture of embarrassment and excitement occupied his being. The woman seductively (or so he thought) walks towards him...


Jihyo woke up alone in her bed. She stretches her limbs and felt great. It has been the longest and most comfortable sleep she had since she can remember. She lightly fix her hair and decided to go out and see if Yoongi is still watching a movie. To her surprise, the room is empty. She went to see him on his bedroom but he isn't there as well. She looks for her phone instead and dialed his number. Unfortunately, the ringing sound came from the living room which only means that Yoongi left his phone there.

Where is he then?

She thought. She checks on the time and realized it is already past 10 in the evening. She assumes Yoongi goes out to buy them some dinner. With that thought in mind, she happily sits on the couch and waited for him. She might as well continue watching the movie where she left a while ago.


Slowly, the woman approach Suga with a teasing smile on her face. Suga swallow the lump on his throat and in some unknown reason, he finds himself locking gaze with her. Suddenly, the cold breeze doesn't feel cold anymore.

"Suga oppa? so it's really you!"

"Yeah, you're swimming alone."

"The members doesn't want to join me."

"Aren't you afraid swimming alone in this hour? It's quite dark and dangerous."

"Dangerous is my surname, oppa."

The woman laugh at her last remark and Suga got enchanted to do the same;

"Since you're here now oppa, how about join me in a night swim? Come on! The water isn't that cold."

"Sounds nice but...."

He remembered his sleeping beauty back on their hotel suite;

"I'll pass, I only came out to buy dinner. Jihyo will be hungry when she wakes up."

"Oh! So you came with her, nice. Well.. in case you change your mind..."

She hang her sentence and gracefully turn around to swim again. Suga watched her deep herself in the water and only left after the woman waved him goodbye.


a/n: So whose the girl Suga saw? Surely, it's not Jihyo.. place your bet!

hint: her position has a "main" in title. Also, I made a mistake and revealed her identity somewhere.

Note: Now that Jihyo was found out dating Daniel, I thought we should shorten this special chapters right?? I'll try to make the story befitting and end it with a good note; without hurting her new found ship (Lols 😂😂😂)

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