3. A friend or a Foe?

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Jihyo cheerfully met Suga by the door when she heard him coming.

"Oppa! You did bought us some food!"

"Yeah, I know you'll be hungry. Here, let's eat first."

"By the way, I've talked to Nayeon unnie while you're gone. She said Red velvet is also here and guess what?? They're also staying in this hotel, oppa."

Suddenly, Suga felt a chill on his spine for an unknown reason;


"Yeah, I was thinking of visiting them tonight..."

"Maybe next time, it's already late love."

"Oh, you're right."

"So what are you doing while I'm away? Watching again?"

"Yeah, I watched the scenes I wasn't able to awhile ago. What food did you buy oppa?"

"You're favorite of course. Hey love, maybe you wanna go out later after dinner? The beach is really nice at night."

"Really? Shall we then?"


After dinner, the two decided to have a quick night swimming. Jihyo wears her infamous black Addidas one piece swimsuit while Suga kept himself warm by wearing his pair of dark blue rash guard. Though it is dark and only few people at the beach, Suga kept his guard to his woman. He never agreed to let her wear her swimsuit in the first place but Jihyo argued it's already late and no one will notice her anyway. Though he felt inconvenient letting her do what she want, he still let her just so not to spoil her mood.

When they are out in the open, Jihyo shivers and hide under Suga's arms. The lad was supposed to tell her "I told you so" and starts his nagging but her cuteness while hugging him tight for warmth made him smile instead, dissolving any retaliation he had on mind.

I can't believe how much control she has on me (shakes head)

Jihyo runs the distance between her and the water. She steps back when the water reach the shore and happily laugh while playing tag with the waves. She fan her hand to Suga asking him to hurry up and join her playing with water. Suga watched her instead while having a satisfied smirk on his face. This is the kind of look suits Jihyo the most -- happy, cheerful and worry-free. He waved his hand to her and continue watching her from a distance. Soon Jihyo got bored playing alone and decided to pull Suga closer to her. When the two is near the water, Jihyo starts splashing him and run to save her self. The flustered Suga begins his stride to catch the runaway Jihyo. Jihyo's laughter along with the sound of the waves breaks the silence of the evening,

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