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It was midday when it happened.

Everything had been going as usual, meaning that Jungkook was extremely busy with running the bakery with Yugyeom. People were swarming the place since it was lunchtime and Omelas was famous for their sandwiches and treats... or Jungkook thinks.

The reason why the bakery was so popular during that time was, yes, it was lunchtime and they served good food, but it was especially for Jungkook.

People were already tired from their jobs and it was only halfway through the day. How to cheer themselves up? Well, go see Jungkook of course. Half of the kingdom was in love with his gentle manners and soft and airy voice. He had been asked multiple times if he was a fairy. Jungkook, of course, just blushed and giggled in response as he thought they were joking...they weren't.

It was especially busy today because of Jungkook's clothes. When the regulars walked into the bakery and saw the beautiful omega looking divine in all pink, they hurriedly told their friends to come and see the beauty. This led more and more people to come into the shop to be blessed by the god that is Jungkook.

While Jungkook was oblivious to everybody's longing and awed stare, Yugyeom wasn't. The beta was constantly glaring at the customers who dared looked at Jungkook with such lust-filled expressions. And that was most of the customers. Whether they are an alpha, beta or omega, nobody can resist Mother Moon's child.

An hour had passed and the bakery was slowly being emptied, only leaving the regulars. Since no customers seemed to be needing anything, Jungkook allowed himself to take a break and talk to one of the regulars.

"Mingyu! How are you? Hehe, that rhymed" Jungkook said while giggling. Mingyu just stared at him with a fond look.

"Mingyu? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, worried about the lack of response.

"YES! Uh... yes I'm fine!" He coughed to clear his throat (and to try and deepen his voice). "I'm having an amazing day! Especially after seeing you. You look beautiful in pink." The omega commented, smirking at Jungkook.

"Thank you! You are beautiful too! One of the prettiest omegas I've ever seen!" Jungkook answered innocently while blushing and smiling his famous bunny smile. Mingyu simply blushed and felt his heart start to race. Just as he was about to open his mouth to thank Jungkook and maybe ask him on a date (he's been trying for months but always chickens out), a gruff voice speaks up.

"Excuse me, but could I get some service here?" Jungkook turned around to face the person and was about to apologize profusely when he saw the speaker's face.

He was beautiful. His hair was blond and he had a strong nose and jaw. He was tall with broad shoulders and beautiful hazel/reddish eyes.

Jungkook continued to stare when the man raised one of his brows.

"Well, are you going to keep staring or are you going to do your job?" Jungkook turned red and started apologizing as he walked behind the counter.

"Oh my fluff! I'm s-so sorry! I didn't mean to stare! I am being so rude! Please forgive me sir! I'm so so so so so so sorry! I didn't mean-" Jungkook stopped his stammering when he heard the man chuckle, his deep laugh making a chill go down Jungkook's spine.

"It's fine beautiful" Jungkook heart started beating and he could feel his ears turning red. "But if you are really sorry, then make it up to me." The man said with a cocky smirk.

"Of course! I'll do anything!" Jungkook said innocently.

"Oh? Anything? Then maybe you can go down on your-"

"Yah! Taehyung! What are you saying?!" Someone behind the man, Taehyung, screamed. Taehyung turned to the side and Jungkook could finally see that he wasn't alone. Five other beautiful men were waiting, all tall and strong with clothes making them look like royalty.

"I am so sorry for Taehyung! I swear he is a dog! No manners!" A handsome man with blond hair and gray eyes said. Jungkook was frozen as he took in all the beautiful people. Am I in heaven?

"My name is Seokjin, but please call me Jin sweetheart" He said with a wink. This seemed to unfreeze Jungkook as he suddenly remembered where he was.

"Oh my fluff! I am so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long! What would you like to order? It's on the house for making you wait so long." Jungkook's voice sounded extra airy and shaky as he tried not to freak out.

"Don't worry love, we were only waiting because of Taehyung, you did nothing wrong." One of the guys said. He had porcelain skin and mint coloured hair. "My name is Yoongi, I would love a lemon tart please."

Jungkook thanked the Moon goddess for finally giving him something to do. If he stayed there doing nothing, he would end up breaking apart.

"Of course! Do you gentlemen want anything else?" Jungkook said looking around. One by one they all started to order food, mostly sweets. The three other guys also introduced themselves while they were ordering. First was Jimin, he had brown hair and hazel eyes with plump lips that made Jungkook curious about how they feel. Right when the thought popped into his mind, he turned red and Jimin smirked, as though he could read Jungkook's mind. Afterward was Hoseok, Jungkook felt as though he recognized the name but he quickly brushed the thought away. Hoseok was blinding with red hair, eyes with flakes of gold and a killer smile. Last but certainly not least, Namjoon. Strong and fierce posture but soft and gentle eyes. He had purple hair that matched his blue/purple eyes and dimples that made Jungkook squeal on the inside.

After serving them all the food, Jungkook was about to go to the kitchen to find Yugyeom to switch spots (when one is in the store managing the cashier, the other is in the kitchen preparing food) Yoongi grabbed his hand. Having him so close, Jungkook could smell his scent: fresh mint and the signature huskiness that categorized him as an alpha.

"Before we go, what's your name sweetheart?" Yoongi asked with an intense look in his eyes.

"Oh! I totally forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jungkook!" The omega said with a gentle smile that made his bunny teeth stick out, making him look even more adorable.

"Well Jungkook" (Jungkook almost moaned from hearing Yoongi say his name with his deep and melodic voice) "I can guarantee that we will be back. See you soon bunny" Yoongi finished by kissing the back of Jungkook's hand, winked at him and walked towards the exit. The other boys followed suit, all of them kissing Jungkook's hand gently with their lips. By the end of it, Jungkook was red like a rose and was having trouble breathing.

After the boys finally left the store, Jungkook went to the kitchen, oblivious to the eyes of the other customers who couldn't believe what they had just witnessed.

They knew something that Jungkook didn't since he never bothered to learn traditional mannerisms. When the seven men kissed his hand they were signaling that they would be starting their courtship.

So basically, the omega is going to be courted by six princes...and he doesn't even know.

( I am never washing this hand again, Jungkook thought with a slight blush on his cheeks)

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