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Jungkook still couldn't believe the picnic actually happened. The guys were so sweet, so kind, prince-like! They continued to talk and slowly were getting closer and closer. They would come to Omelas every day and spend time with Jungkook (don't tell Yugyeom but it's my favourite time of the day) and when they weren't in the store, they were texting Jungkook on the group chat. Jungkook could confidently call them his friends now.

But there's been a problem. While Jungkook is ecstatic to have friends that he made all by himself, he's been struggling with the envy of being more than friends. Whenever they smiled at him, or complimented him, or just stood there and breathed, Jungkook was filled with longing.


It had been a month since their first meeting and two weeks after the picnic when they decided to hang out again.

"Hey Kookie!" Namjoon greeted cheerfully the omega.

"Hi Namjoonie!" Jungkook giggled. Since he's known them for a while now, he's learned to blush less, but that just means that he's not in a constant state of red. Now he turns red every 3 seconds. "Your usual?"

"Yep! Unless you have anything new that you'd like us to try"

"Not anything new, but I'm working on something!"

"Ohhh what are you working on Sweetheart?" Taehyung asked, suddenly very interested since he loves Jungkook's treats.

"I'm working on a recipe with the main ingredient being cinnamon"

"Why cinnamon?" Jimin jumped in.

"Umm..mmhmmh..." Jungkook mumbled.

"Babe" Jin chuckled fondly "Can you repeat that? We didn't quite hear."

Jungkook looks into Jin's eyes and sweetly says: "Because of you Jinnie"

Jin's heart froze and he swears that he fell right there. The amount of love he felt just flooded his chest and he jumped over the counter, kicking Namjoon and Taehyung while doing so, and pulls Jungkook to his chest.

Jungkook freezes initially but eventually hugs Jin back.

"Thank you Love" Jin pulls back to look into Jungkook's doe eyes and time froze. They would've stayed there much longer if it wasn't for Yoongi coughing very loudly.

"We're here too you know?" He raises one of his eyebrows sassily, horribly hiding his jealousy. The others laugh softly at him and Jungkook, being the oblivious cutie he is, starts apologizing and freaking out.

"You can make it up to me Cutie, if you hang out with us this weekend-"

"I'd love to," Jungkook says excitedly.

"But! We are going to the mall and you HAVE to let us buy you clothes" Yoongi looks at Jungkook's fallen face in triumph. In the short while they've known each other, the alphas learned that Jungkook hates having people do things or paying things for him. And while the princes are all for omegas being independent, it drives the alpha part of them crazy. The need to take care of their potential mate is getting harder and harder to control.

Jungkook's face looks hesitant, but after seeing the alphas' puppy eyes he can't resist and accepts. But not without making it clear that he is pouting.

The others merely smirk and laugh at his cuteness.

"Perfect Sweetie! We'll go to the mall in the city so we'll be taking our car. Pack whatever you think you'll need. Don't worry about food cause we'll eat at a restaurant there. And-"

"Jin I think he can prepare himself." Hoseok cuts Jin's rambling. "And just text him if there's anything specific he needs to bring"

"Ok. Ok. Sorry." Jin says embarrassed while blushing a little bit. "Just a bit nervous"

Jungkook stares at the alpha in awe. OMG He's blushing!! How is he so cute?!

"Don't worry Jinnie! I can't wait to hang out with you guys and I know for sure it'll be an amazing day!" Jungkook said cheerfully and, in the spur of the moment, he kisses Jin's cheek.

Everybody freezes and stares at Jungkook in shock. No one would think that blushy Jungkook would ever initiate any sort of physical contact.

Thankfully, Jin shook himself out of his stupor and noticed how worried Jungkook look.

"Thank you Baby," he smiled softly "Now I'm not nervous anymore"

Jin and Jungkook stared at each other, subconsciously getting closer together, and just as they were-

"Heyyyyyyyy! I want a kiss too!" Taehyung yells, pouting dramatically with his arms crossed.

Jungkook realized what just happened and, as expected, turned so red that Hoseok was secretly worried he was going to faint.

"Now now Taehyung. Can't you see Jungkookie is looking like he's about to pass out any second? We should probably give him some space and we'll see him soon" Jungkook smiles to show his gratitude towards Hoseok as he does need time to process everything that just happened.

Instead of dragging the conversation, all of the alphas listen to Hoseok. They smile at Jungkook and say a sweet goodbye, leaving him breathless and full of energy at the same time. He was filled with happiness and pride at the progress he had made with the alphas. But secretly, he was proud that they still hadn't run away from him. Jungkook was slowly becoming more and more comfortable, and he was showing more and more of himself. The fact that they still wanted to be around him made him want to cry of happiness.

I SO deserve a cupcake - no, TWO cupcakes, Jungkook thought to himself.

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