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After the busy week, Jungkook was finally able to go back to his usual routine. This also included being able to see the alphas every day when they come to Omelas. They weren't able to hang out outside all together since the alphas have apparently been busy. They didn't tell Jungkook any details, just that 'we've been taking a break from our jobs and we now need to catch up on everything we missed'. Jungkook didn't inquire further and that's that.

It had been a week since the date with Jimin and Jungkook still couldn't believe he didn't dream it. It was currently Saturday and Yugyeom convinced Jungkook to take a break. The beta was so adamant about Jungkook being free, he was kind of curious and suspicious, but decided to think nothing of it and listen to his friend.

So now Jungkook is walking around the town, bored out of his mind. Usually, he would love being alone and having time for himself, but after meeting the alphas he realized how much fun it is to be around other people. Oh, the alphas~. Just thinking about them made Jungkook smile. He could spend hours thinking and dreaming about them. However, his daydreaming was stopped when he heard somebody scream his name.


The omega turned around to see Hoseok walking towards him with a big smile. Jungkook excitedly waved at him and smiled sweetly.

"Hoseokie! How are you?"

"I'm doing amazing! What a coincidence to see you here!" Thank god Yugyeom was able to convince him to go out, Hoseok thought. "Are you doing anything?"

"Nope," Jungkook said cheerfully, "Yugyeom wanted me to take a break or something, but to be honest I think he was planning something," He said to Hoseok, leaning forward as though he was sharing a secret.

"Hahaha!" Hoseok started to sweat, "I wonder what he was planning" Jungkook merely shrugged as an answer. Hoseok cleared his throat and tried to change the subject.

"Well since you're doing nothing, wanna go on a date with me?" Jungkook visibly brightened up and nodded.

"I'd love to! Dates are so much fun!"

"I was on my way to a dance studio, want to join me?"

"Of course!" Jungkook squealed but suddenly the smile on his face disappeared, "B-but I don't know how to dance" He mumbled sadly.

"That's okay!" Hoseok grabbed his hand and tenderly kissed it, "I can teach you!" Jungkook blushed, his smile is so pretty!!! He was shocked out of his thoughts when Hoseok started walking.

On their way to the dance studio, they played a game where one says a word and the other needs to sing a song with that word in it. They were having so much fun and Jungkook felt as though he was floating. Being around a person as bright and cheerful as Hoseok was quite infectious. He couldn't help but smile.

After Hoseok did a horrible impression of Taylor Swift's 22, they finally arrived to the studio. Jungkook was excited to see Hoseok dance but was afraid that he would make a fool of himself. He wanted to impress the alpha, want to make him proud of me, want him to think I'm a good omega, want him to mate m- NOPE LET'S NOT GO THERE.

Hoseok obviously noticed the younger's fear and nervousness so he smiled brightly at him.

"Don't worry BunBun! I'm sure you are an amazing dancer and even if you aren't, I won't be disappointed or anything."

"Promise?" Jungkook asked in a hushed tone, looking down.

"Promise." Hoseok grabbed the younger's hand and intertwined their pinkies. The omega looked up and right when they made eye contact, the alpha kissed their joint pinkies.

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