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It was the day that they were supposed to go to the mall. While Jungkook was still displeased by the fact that the alphas will be paying for everything today, he chose to make the most out of the day by forgetting about it (lies, he's planning a surprise so he's able to pay them back hehe don't tell anybody ;) ).

The guys picked him up with their car and they were currently parking in front of the city mall. However, Jungkook noticed something odd.

"Wait... Why is there nobody? I thought that city malls were always busy." He asked confused. The others continued as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

"Don't worry about it Jungkookie. We rented the whole mall just for us so that we have some privacy." Namjoon answered simply making Jungkook's eyes grow wide in surprise.

"Isn't that expensive?!"

"Don't worry about it Bun" Hoseok smirked at the omega and sneaked his arm around his waist, successfully distracting Jungkook.

They entered the mall and the alphas already anticipated Jungkook's shock so they waited to let Jungkook process everything. They've been able to slowly get to know the omega more and more, making them fall for him more and more. After they found out that Jungkook didn't know that they were princes, they decided to not tell him. They were afraid that Jungkook would retract into his shell if he found out and they wanted to tell him when they were sure he wouldn't run away.

Truthfully, the fact that Jungkook was oblivious to courting and their status made them like him even more. Since they are royalty, there is always the fear that people only want to get close to them because of their title. Jungkook's lack of knowledge solidified their belief that the omega had no ill intentions whatsoever.

They were currently looking around the mall to see if anything catches their eyes when Taehyung suddenly screamed.

"There! We need to go there!" Taehyung ran to the store, pulling Jungkook along with him. All of the others looked at the store in confusion.

"Taehyung...You know that we won't ever judge you...But this doesn't seem like the type of stuff you'd wear" Yoongi says slowly, staring in shock at the very cute store called Heartbeat. The store was filled with very bright and pastel coloured clothes, which aren't clothes Taehyung would wear.

"Yoongi...I'm 3 seconds away from hitting you" Taehyung answers with a straight face, "This is obviously for Jungkook you dumba-"

"No swearing!" Jungkook cuts in as he puts his hand on Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung merely kisses his palm and winks at him as Jungkook turns red red red.

"Taehyung you are a genius!" Jimin says, "These clothes will look so cute and pretty on our BunBun"

All of the others look at each other and nod. They start walking in different directions in the store leaving Jungkook shocked and speechless.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Jungkook says as he follows Yoongi.

"Looking for clothes that will look cute on you."

"If we wanted to buy clothes that look cute on Jungkook, we'd have to buy the whole store," Jin says from another row looking at colourful shirts.

"Jungkookie! Kookie!" Taehyung yelled.

"Yes TaeTae?"

"What is your opinion on skirts?" The others froze what they were doing and carefully waited for Jungkook's answer.

"Well I own one or two but I'm too scared to wear them" He answered honestly. The princes were suddenly much more motivated.

"Oki doki! I'm gonna take that as a yes for skirts and dresses" Taehyung finally says.

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