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Jungkook was doing great. He totally wasn't sweating. He totally wasn't panicking. And he was especially not thinking of all the different ways this could go wrong...

They were currently in a fancy vehicle that Jungkook had never heard about. Yoongi told him it was called a car, they use it a lot in big cities. Jungkook wouldn't know since he lived in a small sweet town where everything is walking distance.

"Why are we taking this c-car? Can't we just walk to the forest or park?" Jungkook asked while tilting his head like a puppy making Taehyung coo at him.

"We wanted to have more privacy" they answered mysteriously. Jungkook should've been nervous that these kinda strangers were bringing him someplace far and unknown, but quite honestly it never even crossed Jungkook's mind that there is a possibility that they would harm him. His biggest concern at the moment was to not mess up and make them hate him.


20 minutes later and after a loooong game of I Spy, they finally arrived at their destination.

"STOP" Jin suddenly yelled at Jungkook as he was about to open the car door to get out. Jungkook froze obediently and Jin ran to his car door. He then opened the door for him and gave him his hand to help him get out.

"I am a gentleman, and a gentleman always opens the door," Jin says with a wink making Jungkook blush and whisper a thank you. The other alphas merely rolled their eyes at Jin's theatrics.

"Everybody! Come here! I found the perfect spot" Namjoon suddenly yelled from inside the forest. They all followed him, Jin and Jimin at Jungkook's sides. They arrived at Namjoon's spot where he was currently setting up the picnic blanket, but Jungkook stood frozen.

There was a beautiful waterfall that reflected the sunlight. Flowers were blooming and it seemed as though they had just walked in a magical world full of colour and life. Jungkook was mesmerized. The others were helping Namjoon set up and looked at Jungkook when they noticed he wasn't with them. They couldn't help themselves from smiling softly at the omega.

They all chose Jungkook just to use him to get the throne in a way, they needed somebody that would be loved by the people and Jungkook was loved by all. However, they didn't expect to fall for the breathtaking omega as well.

Once Jungkook finally realized that he had been staring at their surroundings for a while, he turned to the alphas to see them all smiling at him. And for the first time, instead of blushing, he smiled back.

Jungkook joined them on the blanket and they started eating.

"So Jungkook, what do you think of the princes?" Taehyung asked teasingly.

"I don't know. I don't know anything about them other that they are looking for a mate, but I only know this because Yugyeom is obsessed with them." Jungkook answered obliviously.

"Wait. You don't know who the princes are? What they look like?" Yoongi asked, shocked.

"Nope!" Jungkook said cheerfully, not knowing that the alphas around him were freaking out.

"Jungkook, do you anything about traditional courting and mating?" Namjoon inquired further.

"No, I wasn't interested in such things since, in a small town like this, we don't use traditional courting methods."

Jungkook continued to eat, making small noises of pleasure every once in a while at the delicious food while the alphas were mentally communicating that they needed to have a serious talk.


Instead of letting this news ruin the picnic, the princes chose to continue as though nothing happened. The food was amazing and they couldn't help but feel proud of Jungkook's reaction. To know that their potential omega enjoyed their food made them feel proud.

They were a bit disappointed that Jungkook brought food since they wanted to prove themselves, but after seeing that it was their favourite foods, they quickly forgot their disappointment.

Jungkook was so happy. This picnic had gone amazing and he couldn't wait to come back with them. As they were starting to pack up and the alphas were walking towards the car, Jungkook stayed glued to the sand and watched as the sun was setting behind the waterfall.

"Alphas?" Jungkook called softly making them look back at him. He was beautiful. The sun was setting behind him giving him a halo. His eyes were shining and at that moment, he looked as though he belonged in another world.

"Thank you for bringing me here. For a while, I gave up on reaching out to people. Every time I tried to befriend people, they would look at me and make a face and suddenly would try to make up excuses to get away from me. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm ugly. Maybe it's because they thought I was annoying. But either way, thank you for giving me a chance." Jungkook's eyes shined with unshed tears and the princes couldn't believe what they were hearing. The poor omega thought that people ran away from him because there was something wrong with him when it's the opposite. And at that moment, all of them swore to Mother Moon that they would take care of her child and that they would give him love and happiness.

At that moment, love was born.

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