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After the last 4 dates, Jungkook couldn't help but be excited to hang out with Namjoon and Yoongi one-on-one. The two alphas were adorable but incredibly intimidating. Their dominant auras made Jungkook shudder and stutter endlessly. So when Namjoon asked him to go on a date a few days after his date with Hoseok, he knew that he needed to mentally prepare himself.

Okay Jungkookie, this is your moment. You are mature and calm. You will not blush. You will not stutter. And you will absolutely not touch his dimples! He repeated this a couple of times as he was getting dressed in tight black leggings and a white top with the words 'Winter Bear' on it.

He went to his backpack to check if he had everything. When Namjoon asked to go on a date, he proposed to go on a hike. Jungkook hadn't gone on a walk in the woods in so long and he missed exploring and seeing animals. He prepared his usual stuff like vegetables and fruits for animals, a few handmade blueberry cupcakes as a snack, a first aid kit, and a water bottle.


He's already here! Jungkook hurriedly put on his backpack, double-checked his outfit and hair, and ran down the stairs to open the door.

"Hi!" Oh God... the dimples. Jungkook thought as Namjoon greeted him with his beautiful smile.

"H-hello" He stuttered miserably as he painfully tried not to blush under his stare.

"Are you ready to go hiking or are you still getting ready?"

"N-no, I'm ready."

"Perfect! Then lead the way"

Jungkook took a deep breath and led him to a familiar trail behind Omelas. They walked in silence for a bit, it wasn't awkward but they weren't too comfortable either. Because:

1. Jungkook is still freaking out (Why did I stutter??!! And really? The dimples at first sight! Does he want me to faint?!) and;

2. Namjoon did the mistake of walking behind Jungkook and all he could see is that plush bottom of his being squeezed tight by those pants (Namjoon, he is a pure, innocent omega, do NOT have these thoughts! B-but they look so squishy~ No! Do not touch them! Just one touch~ Namjoon stop being a pervert!!)

They are both broken out of their thoughts when Namjoon, who was too busy being distracted by Jungkook's ... asset, didn't see a rock and stupidly tripped over it.

"Oh, bunnies! Are you okay?" Jungkook didn't hesitate to help him and check if he bruised himself.

"No worries I'm all goo-"

"Are you sure?!" Jungkook went into his bag and brought out his usual aid kit. "Take off your pants"

"W-what?!" Namjoon stared at the adorable omega and saw that he was 100% serious.

"Joonie, you might have a scratch and you don't want it to get infected. Don't worry-" Jungkook opened the aid kit and pulled out a set of cute bunny and koala band-aids "-do you want the bunnies or the koalas?"

Namjoon looked into his eyes to see if there was any trace of humour but seeing his serious face, he couldn't help but chuckle at the cuteness of his expression.

"I'm okay. I didn't scratch my knees or anything."

"At least let me put a bandaid on the scratch on your palm." Knowing that Jungkook wouldn't stop until he put at least one bandaid, he agreed.

"Fine, but only if you put one on your hand as well" Pointing to Jungkook's palm. In his panic, the omega didn't notice that he scraped his hand against a small rock.

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