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Jungkook leaned against a tree, his feet slipping slowly because of the moist floor from the rain from the day before. It was quiet and only the faint sound of leaves rustling could be heard.

However, Jungkook couldn't hear anything. All he could hear was his heart beating and the sound of his blood rushing. He struggled to breath and his tears were flowing freely. He licked his lips and could taste the saltiness of his tears, making him fall into a sobbing fit once more.

IDIOT!! How can I be so STUPID?!

Jungkook couldn't breathe and he felt his vision darken. He felt something wet under him and started pulling at his hair. Just as he was about to reach his limit, something nudged him. He looked to his side and smiled faintly.

"You must be freezing. Let's go inside." Jungkook whispered.



Jungkook hummed under his breath as he made caramel frosting. The omega had always been a happy person, but recently, smiling and laughing just came easier. Jungkook thought about the reason for his newfound happiness and blushed at the image of the alphas showing up in his mind.

Since that day where Jungkook sang for them, he felt something change. Suddenly, their interactions were tenser and it made Jungkook nervous. Something was coming and he didn't know what. It scared him but he chose to ignore his concern and blame this change on his imagination.

Today was a typical day, he woke up at 6 to prepare Omelas and is closing at 5. Then he will go and hang out with the alphas. My favourite time of the day~ Jungkook tasted his frosting and smiled at the taste. He put the frosting in a container and put it in the fridge. It was going to be Yugyeom's birthday soon and he planned to make a huge cake full of his favourite flavours. Today is going to be a good day, he thought, ignoring his gut feeling telling him otherwise.

The day went by quickly and soon enough, Jungkook found himself walking to this park near the alphas' house. He carefully smoothed down his clothes and hurriedly walked to where the alphas were sitting down. Namjoon was reading a book, looking gorgeously serious and focused. Jimin and Hoseok were dancing together, showing each other fun moves, their laughter making Jungkook smile automatically. Yoongi was sleeping, his face pretty and peaceful, and Jin was using his thigh as a pillow. Jin was reading a comic book and every now and then he would laugh. Finally, Taehyung had a sketchbook and seemed extremely focused as he drew. These last few weeks, the alpha had been working on a project and wouldn't show or tell Jungkook what it was ("it's a surprise my sweet baby" he had said as he pets Jungkook's hair, successfully distracting him).

Jungkook tried to walk as quietly as possible, not wanting to ruin this beautiful image. However, it seemed his scent betrayed him as they all smelled him and instantly looked his way. The omega felt flustered at the sudden attention and smiled at them. He walked towards them and instantly Jimin pulled him to sit on his lap.

"How was your day?" The alpha asked, his words coming out a bit muffled as he pressed soft kisses on his neck.

"It was fun! I started planning Yuggy's birthday cake and I'm sure he's going to love it!" Jungkook excitedly exclaimed, the alphas chuckled fondly at his energy and Taehyung couldn't help from kissing the shell of his ear.

"You are so sweet Angel," Taehyung whispered, coming closer to his right side. Hoseok moved to his left as he began nibbling on his other ear.

"So sweet, we could eat you," Hoseok mumbled. Jungkook was extremely red, being surrounded and teased by such beautiful people. They are going to kill me, he thought as he fought the urge to cover his face.

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