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"Are you sure I don't look weird?" Jungkook asked in a worried and uncertain tone, as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"You look absolutely adorable and gorgeous! Don't worry, Yoongi is going to FREAK out when he sees you." Yugyeom said in a confident tone as he looked at his masterpiece.

After Jungkook told him that Yoongi asked him on a date a few days after his date with Namjoon, he knew he had to do something. In his group chat with the princes, Yoongi was always dissing him with sick burns and he needed to take his revenge. How? By dressing Jungkook up in the sexiest outfit EVER. The omega was wearing a white bodysuit with flare sleeves, a deep v-neck and other pretty designed cutouts that showed bits a skin, with jean shorts that are purposefully a size too small to make it shorter and tighter. So basically, his best friend was looking like a whole seven-course meal and the alpha won't be allowed to touch him. You're a genius Yugyeom, the beta thought to himself as he started laughing like a psycho, making his best friend look at him like he was insane.

"Are you okay Yugy?" Jungkook asked worried and a bit scared.

"I'm GREAT," He said with a wide smile.

"O-okay?... I'm gonna go meet him at his house."

"Have fun!!" You will regret messing with me Min Yoongi! Prince or not, you don't fuck with this beta BITCH!

{picture of Jungkook's bodysuit ^^^}

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When Yoongi asked Jungkook out, he told him that the plans were a surprise and that a chauffeur would come and drop him off. He also insisted that Jungkook bring nothing. While Jungkook loves surprises and didn't hesitate to agree, he now isn't too sure if it was the right decision. He didn't regret saying yes to the date because he honestly adores the alpha and finds him so fascinating. But he does regret not bringing anything.

I shouldn't have listened to him... I should've brought at least one cupcake. What if he only said that to be polite? What if he actually expects me to bring a treat? What if he gets disappointed?! Oh, fluff!! I should've made something! I'm so rude! How could I be so stupid??!!

For most people, this kind of reaction would be overdramatic, but for Jungkook it was important. While he trusts the alphas, his insecurities still won't let him believe that they actually wanted to be around him for him.

So needless to say, when Jungkook was finally dropped off to the final destination, he had tears in his eyes and his usually sweet chocolate chip scent was sour and bitter. He walked up to the door of the house, not even taking the time to analyze the place, too focused on trying not to cry. He lightly knocked on the door and immediately, the door was swung open.

"Kookie! I'm so happ- Jungkook? Why are you crying?!" Yoongi looked at the usually joyful omega and couldn't help the familiar burn in his chest to rise. "Did somebody hurt you? Tell me who it is! I'm going to kill those basta-" Before he could even finish, Jungkook got on his knees and started openly sobbing.

"I-I'm sorry!!" Yoongi got on his knees as well and gently took Jungkook's face in his hands.

"What happened Baby? Why are you apologizing?" He softly asked as he started brushing away his tears.

"I-I did something bad..." Jungkook muttered, lightly flustered from hearing the alpha call him 'baby'.

"What did you do Babe?" Seeing the omega's hesitance, he quickly reassured him, "I won't be mad or disappointed. I promise."

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