8. A Mother Can Never Forget

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“I just don’t get it, I can’t get what is so familiar about that girl!” Valka muttered to herself in frustration as she tossed Cloudjumper another fish. Ever since the battle, Valka couldn’t shake the feeling that she had seen that girl before, but where?

She hadn’t been anywhere that far from the sanctuary to have crossed paths with any other feral humans, and she never went near any villages during her twenty years away from Berk.

Cloudjumper, sensing his friend’s frustration, gave a small purr and gently nudged her. Valka smiled a bit and turned to him.

“I know, I know, but I just can’t shake that feeling that I met that girl. She is just so familiar.”

“Mom! Mom you would not believe who came to the island!” Hiccup yelled as he burst into the stables with his dragon and the other dragon riders. “The feral girl and her Skrill!”

“What was she doing here?” Valka asked in surprise as CLoudjumper perked up a bit.

“She claimed to be observing.” Snotlout replied quickly. “But we found her on the cliff overlooking the village and found her getting a little cozy with Eret!”

“Was not! I was just talking to her!” Eret retorted in annoyance. “Honestly, all we did was talk and joke around!”

“That’s not what I saw! I bet you were going to kiss her!”

“If you don’t stop making false statements I will happily chuck you off the highest cliff of the island and let your dragon watch in amusement!”

“Enough arguing!” Hiccup yelled as the men stopped bickering. “Eret, what was she here for?”

“I told you chief, she was just here to observe the village.” Eret responded and cast a glare at Snotlout. “That was all. We started talking, then joking around a bit before Snotlout came flying out of nowhere and the rest of you crowded her and scared her off.”

“She did seem a bit uncomfortable.” Fishlegs said with a nod. “I guess she’s not really used to being around so many humans who have their attention on her?”

“But she seemed fine when we were on Drago’s ship, and when we were stranded on the island where the sanctuary was.” Astrid pointed out. “But then again, Valka was kind of acting the same way a few days ago when a lot of the villagers were crowding her.”

“She is right, you all should not have been crowding her like that.” Valka scolded. “Do any of you do that with a frightened or injured dragon?”

“No.” All the riders responded.

“Exactly. Hiccup, do you know which way she went?”

“Uh…” Hiccup tapped his chin. “I think in the direction of Dragon Island, where this old volcano is at that used to have a Red Death living on it. It’s a good place for a dragon to rest and live on.”

“Well what are we waiting for?”


“Hey mom, can you at least explain why we’re following her?” Hiccup asked his mother as they flew in the direction the riders had seen Lei and her Skrill fly off.

“I’ll explain when we find her!” Valka responded as she caught sight of something in the distance. “Son, hand me that thing you use to look at things far away!”

Hiccup quickly tossed the small device to his mother and moments later she threw it back at him. “See anything?” He asked her and she nodded.

“She looks like she’s trying to lose us in the clouds, perfect cover to avoid being found by anyone. You and Toothless try to drive them out of the clouds, I’ll try and block an escape route!”

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