14. Unexpected Family

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"Did I hear that kid right?" Astrid asked Hiccup as the Typhoomerang lowered itself to the ground to let a young girl dressed in ragged looking clothing jump off with a large spear in hand. "She said her last name was Haddock...the same as yours and your twin."

"I was sure I misheard her too, possibly a coincidence." Hiccup muttered as he slowly walked forward towards the girl. "Look I do not know where your mother is, but maybe we could help you-"

"No maybes, I want to know where you are hiding my mother!" The girl yelled, shoving her spear in his direction. Toothless snarled loudly at her but she snarled right back at him, catching the Night Fury by surprise.

"Hey calm down!" Lei yelled, rushing over and grabbing the girl's spear. "Look I don't know who you are, but you don't just show up places shoving spears in the chief's face and demand to know things, have some manners!"

"Lei!" Hiccup shouted before his twin shoved her finger against his lips.

"Shush, let me do this." She said, keeping her eyes on the girl while keeping her grip on the spear. "Okay kid, explain something for us: why do you think your mom is on this island? What makes you so sure she's here?"

"Rumors, rumors I heard of a woman fitting her description flying with dragon riders from Berk." The girl responds, her eyes narrowed. "My mom never wanted to come back here, but I bet you all forced her to come here to make her-"

"Make her do what? This is Berk, not Outcast island or Berserker island where we kidnap and enslave people." Lei snaps as she pushed Hiccup back and wrenches the spear from the girl's hand. "Lesson one kid, don't pick fights with someone who has alpha dragons on their side and someone who can talk to and control dragons. And don't follow rumors."

"Oh look it's Cloudjumper and Valka with Striker and Sapphire!" Toothless yells as the said dragons land near them, Striker rushing towards Lei to get between her and the girl.

"Hiccup! Lei! What in the world is going on?" Valka yelled as she dismounted Cloudjumper and hurried towards them. "I heard and unfamiliar dragon roar and got so worried!"

"We're fine mom." Lei assures her. "Just dealing with some kid accusing us of-"

"Mom!" The girl screamed as she ran towards Valka and flung her arms around her. "You're alive! Oh thank Freya you're alive!"

"Bella? Oh my Thor where have you been?!" Valka gasped as she hugged the girl back as Hiccup and Lei looked at each other in confusion. "You disappeared with Sunshine weeks ago and you had me so worried!"

"Hiccup I don't think mom ever told us we had a triplet." Lei whispered nervously.

"Yeah and dad totally failed to mention it to me too." Hiccup whispered back. "Unless...mom was pregnant after having us or something?"

"Hiccup, Lei, come here and meet your baby sister!" They heard Valka yell.

"I suppose she has some questions from us to answer."


"So you got pregnant a while after having us, and you didn't know until after Cloudjumper took you to the sanctuary?" Lei asks her mother as the four of them along with Gobber and their dragons sat at the kitchen table. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"It somewhat slipped my mind, I know I should have told you two long before." Valka said with a nod. "I was so torn when I realized I was pregnant with Bella between returning home to grow up with her big brother and a loving father who would have done everything to protect her especially after her older sister was taken or raise her myself where she would learn dragons were not evil like everyone else on Berk thought despite my protests."

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