10. The Betrayal

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She didn't want to believe him, her brother had to be lying. Dagur was not manipulating her in any way, that was not true! Lei gave out a frustrated scream of anger, causing poor Striker to cringe.

"He doesn't know him like I do, he's changed so much since I met him!" Lei muttered angrily to herself. "And I'm going to prove it to him!"

"All the other dragons seemed upset last time when they heard Dagur's name, like Meatlug looked downright terrified, Hookfang looked sick to his stomach, what if Hiccup is right?" Striker pointed out. "I mean he was pretty scary back then, even our most fearsome dragons were nervous around him."

"That was then, this is now. The old Dagur died back on Drago's boat, the one I know would never betray me." Lei retorted and looked down at her dragon. "He's changed, they have to see that. And I want to prove it to them, I want them to see him for what he's become."

"But will they accept the new him?"

"They'll have to."

Glancing behind her, Lei caught sight of a familiar dragon coming close to them, but made no move to urge Striker to lose them.

"Lei we need to talk!" HIccup yelled as he and Toothless reached the duo. "Please?"

"About what? That you called my sort-of-mate manipulative and that he's using me?" Lei asked, casting her twin a glare. "He's not like that Hiccup, trust me on this."

"Okay okay I see your point, but Dagur can be manipulative. He's very cunning and will do anything to get what he wants no matter what, I'm just warning you because I don't want you to get hurt or be used by him." Hiccup tried explaining as he flew Toothless to be close to Striker and reached out towards his sister. "I just want to keep you safe, I never got to do it back then and I want to make up for it. It's what good brothers do, we're supposed to protect our siblings no matter what."

"I appreciate the sentiment Hiccup, but I can take care of myself, it's what I've been raised to do." Lei said and pointed ahead. "There's my home, and since you are with me I'm going to prove to you that Dagur is not bad anymore. In fact once I do, you have to tell the others."

"I smell something!" Toothless suddenly shouted, his pupils turning to slits. Striker's pupils slitted as well as both dragons roared in panic.

"Whoa what's going on?!" Hiccup yelped as the dragons drove straight for the island.

"I don't know, but hang on!" Lei yelled as the dragons took a nosedive.

Toothless followed Striker through the canopy of trees as the Skrill screeched in panic. They landed on a tree as Striker began to scream and cry out for the other dragons in panic that Lei realized what was wrong. The whole island was quiet, too quiet and void of dragons. Normally she would have seen a Terror or two napping in the branches above or heard the screeching or roaring of other dragons.

"The dragons...I think they're gone." Lei stated as she looked to Hiccup with worry. "This whole island is brimming with dragons, but I don't see any."

"Maybe they're in hiding?" Hiccup suggests.

"No, and we would have seen some flying around the island as patrol. Something is very wrong."

"Lei, I'm getting the faint whiff of blood- dragon's blood." Toothless said and pointed in the direction of the nesting grounds. "From over there."

"The nests!" Striker screeched as Lei immediately leapt onto his back. Hiccup followed as they arrived at a large clearing with several different nests spread about but they were all empty..and surrounded by bodies.

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