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quick disclaimer: the guitarist who-shall-not-be-named will not be in this story, as you probably noticed as well in Far Too Young To Die, so we're gonna pretend that he didn't exist and it went from Ian straight to Mike, and also the asshole manager will be replaced w some guy named Luke

The day everything changed is something Brendon can remember forever. It was another normal day of recording and last minute modifications. Dallon had just flown back from a magazine shoot in the UK and Brendon was to hear from him any second. It was a careless, risky act they pulled, and they had to pay for it.

"How does that sound?" Butch asks. Brendon nods, then looks to the others. They all nod.

"Yeah, I just... feel like something's missing," Brendon says. "It sounds alright without it, with... what we have so far, but... something about it is a little off."

There's a long silence before Mike claps. They look at him.

"Just a brief idea, but... if we can get away with it— Luke, you see if we can get away with it, but take out the guitar and play the whole thing for me. Start around the middle of the first verse," Mike says, entering the recording booth. Brendon raises an eyebrow, looking at Spencer, who just smiles.

They play the song after Mike puts the guitar on, as well as some headphones. All the other men listen with their headphones. The music begins and Mike waits. A few seconds pass and Luke leans into the mic, pressing the button.

"Mike, it's fine if you don't have—" Mike cuts him off by holding a finger up, politely telling him to wait. He looks at the guitar, putting fingers in place, and then it's time. He plays it, all of the men tensing and realizing, yeah, that works really well.

"Hell yeah," Brendon says, so Luke grabs his phone and immediately begins to make some calls. Brendon stops the music, leans into the mic. "Maybe play at that time and the beginning. Take it from the top, let's see how it all sounds."

Mike nods and the music restarts. Brendon's phone rings, and he smiles when he sees who it is.

"I'll be right back." He puts the headphones down, leaving the room as he answers the phone. "Hey."

"Go into the hallway," Dallon instructs quietly. Brendon tenses and hurries out to the hallway. Dallon smiles at him, hanging up as he speaks quietly, "I finished the shoot early and I've got to be somewhere in a few minutes, but I really wanted to see you without them knowing, so that's why I have sunglasses and a hoodie and-"

Brendon cuts him off by wrapping his arms around his neck, kissing him happily. They hold each other close, lips pressed together happily. Eventually they pull away and hug each other tightly.

"I'm gonna go get some water," Spencer whispers to Luke, who nods. He gives Mike a thumbs-up, causing Mike to laugh a bit.

"I missed you so much," Brendon says quietly.

"I missed you too, which is exactly why I want you to come over tonight. A nice date night, alright?" They pull away and Brendon nods. Spencer frowns a bit and lets go of the switch to step towards the door.

Dallon smiles as he quietly says, "I love you."

Spencer listens in, body tensing.

"I love you too," Brendon says. They lean in and kiss each other sweetly as Spencer peeks around the corner, eyes widening. He can't see the face of who Brendon is kissing due to the hood, but he knows that he is kissing someone. Brendon's right hand goes to the back of the mystery man's head and his left hand lands on his arm, and Spencer seems to look at something he never really noticed before.

A ring.

On his left ring finger.

Spencer hurries back so they don't see him.

"I'll see you tonight, baby," Dallon says quietly, too quiet for Spencer to make out the voice.

"See you tonight, baby," Brendon repeats as he smiles wide. Dallon kisses him one last time before turning and leaving, looking down to make sure no one hears him. Spencer steps to the fountain as Brendon walks in, tensing slightly as he notices him.

"Who was that?" Spencer asks.

"Oh, um... Dallon, he was just telling me he was getting on the plane and was asking if he should come by tomorrow or if he can rest a bit," Brendon lies, but the calmness in his voice makes it believable. Spencer nods. Brendon walks towards the door.

"What happened at in Scotland?" Spencer suddenly asks, causing Brendon to freeze right in front of the doorway. He tries to think of what to say as he turns around.

"What do you mean?"

"No one knows what happened other than... your attempt, but... what else?"


"Brendon, there was obviously something that happened that changed you. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, you seem happier, I just wanna know what made you so happy after two years of secret depression." They don't speak for a bit, but their voices are quiet and bitter. Spencer soon sighs and looks around. "I know you're hiding something, and yeah, I didn't quite realize it until now, but... you're hiding something from all of us. I thought you were better than this."

"Better than what?"

"Keeping secrets from the band. Bands aren't supposed to be full of secrets."

"You're in no room to talk."

"How so?"

"Oh, so Luke, Dallon, and Mike know about you and Jon?"

Spencer hesitates, then says, "That's not fair."

"Is it now?" Brendon asks. They don't speak, don't look away, don't even move. "Call me when you tell them, then we can have this discussion," Brendon says, walking back into the studio room.

Death of a Bachelor // brallon [Book 2 of Far Too Young To Die]Where stories live. Discover now