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"And so you think Brendon and Dallon are in secret relationships?" Ryan asks after summing it all up. Spencer nods. Ryan looks at him, then Jon, then back at him. "Well, did you talk to them about it?"

"I texted them both before I left my phone at the studio. I asked Brendon if he knew about Dallon's secret boyfriend, and then asked Dallon the same thing but mentioned that I saw Brendon with him before he flew back."

"How early before he flew back?"

"Well, it was on a Thursday and Brendon said Dallon was flying back the next day."

"Dallon flew back Thursday morning," Ryan says, suddenly anxious of what might be happening. "He flew back Thursday morning and told everyone else he was flying back Friday so he could adjust back to time zones. Brendon, Dallon, and I do it all the time whenever one of us flies somewhere, I thought you knew that?"

"No, he... he had to fly back Friday night."

"I ran into him at 3pm on Friday at a furniture store," Ryan says.

"Wait, and when was the other time?" Jon now asks. Spencer looks at him.

"The night before Brendon moved."

"Fuck," Ryan says. They look at him. "They aren't—..." He takes a deep breath. "Brendon and Dallon are married and I'm pretty sure they now think they're cheating on each other."

Jon and Spencer's eyes widen.

"They're what?!" Spencer says in shock.

"They're married, Dallon told me... that night, actually," Ryan says. Spencer tries to think, and then the realization hits him.

They think the other is cheating.

"Oh, shit," he says, then looks at Ryan. "Do you have Brendon's number?"

Ryan pulls out and unlocks his phone as he says, "I have Dallon's."

He hands over his phone once pulling up Dallon's contact. Spencer presses call and stands, running his fingers through his hair.

It rings twice before they stop. Dallon's voicemail plays.

"Oh God, he sent it to voicemail," Spencer says while hanging up.

"Okay, breathe, what do we do?"

"The only thing I can think of is probably the worst idea I've come up with," Spencer says.

"What?" Ryan asks. Jon sighs and grabs his laptop.

"You have your passport, right?" Jon asks Ryan. Ryan frowns, but it's quickly replaced by realization.

"We're going to Paris, aren't we?"
"Oh, bonjour! Bievenue!" Lucy says as she walks up to the two men. They force their smiles and she does her traditional kiss-cheek-greeting. "Oh, uh, welcome!" Lucy smiles.

"Thank you, and we brought you this," Dallon says kindly, handing her a gift. She smiles wide and takes it.

"Thank you! I've got to go put on my... uh... Robes de mariée before anyone else sees me," she says.

"Dress," Dallon says. Her eyes light up.

"Yes, thank you! I've been trying to remember the word all day, and not many people here are fluent in English and French. Um, I'm sure you know where to sit, if not, then my grandmother here can show you," she says, gesturing for a bridesmaid to come over. An elderly woman walks over. Lucy says some things in French, then puts the gift on the table and hurried off. The woman begins to speak, saying some things in French, and Brendon tries to understand.

Dallon, on the other hand, understands it perfectly, even adding on by saying, "Merci, et vous êtes belle, mademoiselle."

The woman laughs. "Merci, tu êtes beau aussi."

Dallon smiles and Brendon tenses a bit as the two continue talking, Brendon following them closely to avoid losing them. He never realized that Dallon was fluent in French. Yeah, they both have put French into their songs, but he never thought of the possibility of Dallon actually being fluent.

Brendon feels angry for suddenly feeling like he is falling in love all over again. He feels like that just about every day, but he cheated on him and that means he can't get over him. He's still helplessly in love. He feels like he is melting at the way he sounds, especially when speaking French. He has respected Brendon's wishes by not talking to him, but now all he wants is for them to talk. Though, he's scared that if they did talk, he will burst into tears.

The woman, whose name Dallon learned is Alice, shows the boys to their seats and they sit down, Alice closest to the aisle and Dallon in between her and Brendon. She notices Dallon's ring and smiles.

"Tu êtes mariés?" She says with a happy tone.

"Um... divorcé bientôt. Je ne peux tout simplement pas me résoudre à l'enlever," Dallon says softly and sadly, heart feeling as if it's breaking all over again. Alice looks over at Brendon. Brendon tenses a bit.

"Avec lui?" she asks, looking at Dallon again. Dallon looks at Brendon. Their eyes meet and they both tense up. Dallon looks at her and nods sadly.

"Toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin," he says with a sad smile, trying his best to keep the mood light.

"Ç'est n'importe quoi! Se regarder!" she commands. Dallon bites the inside of his lip, takes a deep breath, and looks at him. Brendon swallows nervously. "Regarde dans ses yeux," she says, now softly. "Yeux." Dallon sighs and looks into Brendon's eyes, and suddenly it feels different.

Dallon doesn't feel mad, just sad. Brendon hates him now. Dallon believes Spencer but he doesn't want to. He loves Brendon Urie with a burning passion, and he knows just how much Brendon loves him. Would Brendon really risk losing him?

"Tu l'aime?" Alice asks, and this time Brendon knows what she is saying. He learned tu l'aime after him, Ryan, Spencer, and Jon were watching some French movie and they had to look it up. It takes him a second to remember, but once he does, he feels nervous.

Dallon, thinking that Brendon has no clue, sighs. "Oui," Dallon says softly. Brendon stares into his eyes sadly. He does, he really does. Then why did he do it?

"Et toi?" she asks, now looking at Brendon, but then the music starts and people stand up. Dallon and Alice do so and Brendon blinks back tears as he stands.

Death of a Bachelor // brallon [Book 2 of Far Too Young To Die]Where stories live. Discover now