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Dallon presses his lips together as him and Brendon both sign separate papers, reading through it until they reach the end. They sign their signatures and Brendon looks up. A woman takes it and hands him the other one for him to sign, so he does. Dallon finishes, handing it to a man, and then signs the last one. They both hold their breath as he does so, then hands it back to the man. 

"Congratulations on your new home," he says, standing. Brendon and Dallon both exhale and shake his hand, thanking them all. They go over quick things, like when they need to be out of their newly up-for-sale houses and whatnot, before the workers all leave the couple alone in their new house. 

Brendon covers his mouth and they both look around. Big kitchen, nice dining room, big living room, three bathrooms, two guest rooms, a master bedroom, huge backyard with big built-in pool, outdoor studio/office room, upstairs office, big ballroom-like staircase, big entrance, amazing garage, high fences, gate that only works if you're buzzed in or if you have a key card and code; it's their dream house.

"Oh my god, we bought our dream home," Brendon finally says, looking over at Dallon. They smile and Dallon walks closer, placing his hands on Brendon's hips, pulling him close. Their lips meet and they kiss each other happily. 

"Okay, okay, now we gotta go pack," Brendon says once they pull away. Dallon nods, then laughs when he notices Brendon struggling to relax. 

"We are gonna pack and then we can go out for lunch and then we will have—... we'll move in and in four days from now we will have a great home we are sharing and it'll be so, so nice and perfect, and—... I love you so much, you are so getting a blowjob when we get back," Dallon says, causing Brendon to laugh. They look at each other, eyes full of happiness and almost tears. Brendon hugs his husband tightly, and Dallon holds him equally as tight. 

"We bought our dream house."

"We did," Dallon says. Brendon laughs again. 

"We've gotta tell them now," Brendon suddenly says. They pull away. 

"You're ready?"

"I mean, not entirely, but... obviously I'll be moving in and stuff, so no one's really gonna bother us. Or, well, at least they won't bother me, and then we're going to Paris, but after that, we definitely have to tell them. I don't want them to think we told them because we were forced, and I don't want anyone to accidentally find out, you know?"

"I get it, yeah, I feel the same. I already feel bad about no one knowing, I'd feel worse if the way they found out wasn't an accident."

Brendon nods, then smiles. "Well, then."

"Yes?" Dallon asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's go move out of our houses and into our new home."

Dallon chuckles and they intertwine their fingers before walking out of the house together.

"Okay, I'll go with the grey one. I'll see you soon, then," Dallon says into the phone.

"Bye, I love you," Brendon says. 

"I love you too." Dallon hangs up and takes the tag, going up to the counter and quickly buying it, putting the shipping address down and checking the 'today' box. Dallon checks the time briefly once buying several pieces of furniture for their new home. It's 4:30.

Dallon turns and his body collides with another. They both stop and apologize, then Dallon smiles.

"Oh, hey!" Dallon says happily. Ryan hesitates for a second, suddenly caught up in his own emotions, but then he forces a smile.

"Hey, how... how are you? Haven't seen you in a while."

"I'm good, what about you?" Dallon asks sweetly, internally noting how tense Ryan currently looks.

"Good, yeah... um, so what's up?"

"Well, I just moved into a new house, so I'm buying new furniture and whatnot, really I think I'm stalling on packing up. Lot of work for one person," Dallon jokes. Ryan smiles. He's tense, and Dallon can't figure out why.

"Well, um, if you need help... Jon and I both probably could help, if the other guys can't help."

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks. What about you? What are you up to?"

"I was looking for a new table, my friend kinda... we got drunk last night and... one thing led to another, I have a broken table and he has a giant bruise," Ryan explains. Dallon laughs. Ryan tenses a bit more. 

"I wish you luck on that. Well, I've gotta run, but call me sometime, okay?" Dallon asks, hand gently placing itself on Ryan's waist. Ryan nods, chills running up his spine like when Dallon grabbed his hand two years ago.

"Okay," Ryan says, so they hug each other, Ryan's heart pounding, and then it's gone and they're pulling away. Ryan smiles and they part ways. Dallon reaches the door and Ryan whispers a dreading, "Fuck." He takes a deep breath before turning away, not being able to handle something so simple like looking at the taller man.

Ryan swallows hard and takes another deep breath, thinking one single thing:

I have to tell him.

Death of a Bachelor // brallon [Book 2 of Far Too Young To Die]Where stories live. Discover now