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"You came back?"

The others turn, now seeing Brendon looking traumatized. Spencer hurries the others inside and closes the door as Jon runs to go find a towel. Brendon tries to speak, but he can't.

Dallon suddenly rushes past Brendon and to the bathroom, falling to his knees to throw up into the toilet. Jon is the first to arrive to the scene, wrapping a towel around his shoulders. Spencer looks at Ryan, who is holding his phone up to his ear.

"Who are you calling?"

"Luke," he answers simply, and then the rings stop as Brendon kneels down and holds Dallon. He's shaking horribly and it makes Brendon's chest ache. He almost killed himself, and he would've if he didn't turn around and realize that Brendon was there, looking at him in terror.

"Luke, hey, it's Ryan, listen... Jon, Spencer, and I are in Paris, with Brendon and Dallon, but... Dallon just tried to commit suicide," Ryan explains. Brendon hears it and he shakily breathes in. Dallon finishes, wipes his mouth with a washcloth that Jon has given him, and then flushes the toilet. He turns and Brendon pulls him close. They hold each other tightly and Dallon begins to sob.

"It's okay, I've got you now, you're okay," Brendon says quietly and shakily. "Baby, I've got you, I'm not gonna let you go, it's gonna be okay."

Dallon's grip tightens. Jon watches them sadly, but he also looks quite shaken up.

"I can't lose you," Brendon says.

"I don't wanna lose you," Dallon manages, voice muffled by Brendon's shoulder but they can still hear the fear.

"Baby, you're not going to lose me, I'm right here."

Jon yawns and Brendon quietly asks him for the time, so Jon pulls out his phone and shows him. Dallon isn't crying anymore, now just shaking. Jon leaves the room.

"Babe, why don't we brush our teeth and get into warmer clothes? We can relax and talk when you're not drunk at 1:30 in the morning," Brendon says softly. It takes Dallon a bit to pull away, but eventually he does. He looks like a mess and it breaks Brendon's heart. Jon comes back in with a glass of water and Dallon takes it, hands and body visibly shaking. Brendon takes Dallon's glasses and stands, running them under some water to clean them. Dallon finishes drinking the water, puts the glass on the counter, then stands. Brendon dries and checks the glasses for smudges, then hands them back to Dallon. He takes them and puts them on as Brendon grabs both of their toothbrushes.

"Thanks," Dallon says quietly as he grabs the toothpaste.

He spends a long time brushing his teeth, trying to get rid of the disgusting taste out of his mouth. Dallon is sure he threw up everything he has eaten in the past 24 hours and more. He is still scared and his drunk mind won't let it process that Brendon actually came back. He is trying his best to act sober, but the occasional stumbles in place and repeated blinking say otherwise. He doesn't even know if he will remember this in the morning. Everything is delayed, as if he isn't actually here, like he is watching everything through a T.V. or computer screen.

He brushes his teeth and swishes mouthwash around his mouth to be sure, eventually thinking he is sober enough to gargle it, but then he spits it out into the sink and begins coughing. Brendon gently pats his back and waits until he is sure Dallon is okay.

They finish up and Brendon watches his husband carefully while hearing Spencer now talking to Luke. They heard the door open and close when Jon gave him the water, but Dallon isn't focused on that. He can't piece anything together and he wants to cry again.

Brendon leads Dallon to their bedroom and grabs some different clothes. They're both wearing a white button up, a tie, and dress pants and dress shoes. They haven't changed since the wedding. Dallon changes into a baggy sweater and pajama pants, Brendon in sweatpants and a sweater as well.

"Babe," Brendon says before Dallon can turn and leave. Brendon walks up and kisses him gently, then pulls away while fixing Dallon's hair a bit. Dallon stands in shock and slight sadness. Their eyes meet and Dallon places his hands on the sides of Brendon's neck before leaning in and kissing him lovingly and almost desperately. Brendon kisses him, but starts to lose balance, so he stumbles back until he is leaning against the dresser.

Jon walks in, opening his mouth to speak, but stops when he sees them. They look so happy and sad and relieved at the same time, and so Jon smiles a bit and walks back to the living room.

They pull away and look into each other's eyes.

"Let's go get you sobered up," Brendon says softly, taking his hand to lead him out of the room. Brendon frowns a bit. "Where's Ryan?"

"He went out to buy us food and get a drink for Dallon, something about electrolytes," Jon answers.

"Who's he talking to?" Dallon whisper-yells, pointing at Spencer.

"Luke," Spencer answers. "No, sorry I was answering Dallon," he says into the phone. "Yeah, they're both here." Brendon tenses a bit. "Um... Dallon isn't exactly... sober..."

"Wait, he's drunk?!" Luke asks on the other line.

"Uh, yeah."

"Why on earth did you let him get drunk?!"

"He was drunk before we got here."

"Where was Brendon, then?!"

"Um... he was away...?" Spencer asks nervously.

"What do you mean away?"

There's a small silence before Spencer lowers the phone. "Brendon, I think it's time to tell him."

Brendon swallows nervously, makes Dallon sit down, then walks over and grabs the phone. He walks into the other room as Dallon stares at nothing in particular.

"You okay, man?" Spencer asks carefully.

"I don't know," Dallon answers truthfully. He looks at him. He looks exhausted. "I think so, but I don't know."

"You're shaking," Jon points out. Dallon tries to stop but gives up quickly. He's anxious, tired, drunk, and cold.

"I'm fine," Dallon says quietly. "Where's Ryan?"

"Left to get some things," Jon answers.


"Neither of us have eaten and you need food in your system. Plus, besides you, he's the only one who knows French," Spencer tells him. Dallon nods. His eyes begin to gloss up again.

"Hey," Jon says. Dallon looks up at him. "You're gonna be okay, okay?"

"Okay." Dallon's voice is hardly a whisper. The men smile sadly at him. There's a long, quiet pause, and then he frowns. "I think I'm a Sim."

Brendon walks back in and hands Ryan's phone back to Spencer.

"Who were you talking to?" Dallon asks as his husband sits next to him.


"What did he say?"

"That you and I can't go to European countries by ourselves anymore," he says with a small smile. There's another pause.

"Wait, did you cheat on me?" Dallon asks in fear.

"No, no, I didn't," Brendon quickly answers.

"But you said he did?" Dallon says to Spencer.

"I saw him sneaking around with someone."

"So you are cheating?"

"No, baby, the person I was sneaking around with was you." Dallon nods, leaning his head onto a shoulder.

It's quiet for a long time before Dallon says, "I am a Sim and God is a 17 year old girl who loves drama."

Jon and Spencer cover their mouths and take a deep breath so they don't burst out into laughter.

"Oh?" Brendon says, gently petting Dallon's hair.

"She is very mean, trying to break us up. I don't wanna lose you."

"I know, sweetie, she is incredibly rude," Brendon says, holding him and comforting him kindly as the others try not to laugh.

Death of a Bachelor // brallon [Book 2 of Far Too Young To Die]Where stories live. Discover now