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"What time is it?" Dallon asks. Brendon sighs softly as he grabs his phone. He turns it on.

"Almost 10."

"I should go," Dallon says, causing Brendon to groan quietly. 

"Do you have to?" Brendon asks as Dallon stands up. Brendon holds onto his hand, pouting slightly. Dallon smiles but nods.

"Yes, I have to," he says, letting go and walking over to retrieve the last of his things. The house is mostly empty. "Thought you'd enjoy your last night without me?" Dallon teases with a playful smirk. 

"Any night without you is a night I don't wanna have," Brendon says as he pushes himself up from the couch. He walks to his husband, wrapping his arms around Dallon's waist and resting his head on Dallon's back. "Plus, you've been gone so long recently. I miss you."

"I haven't been gone that long."

"I have only gotten to wake up to you once in the past two and a half weeks. I feel Dallon-deprived," Brendon says sadly. Dallon turns around. 

"Hey, baby, look at me," he says in a soft tone. Brendon looks up at him. "Tomorrow we are going to wake up and bring the last of our stuff to our new house that we both live in. We are gonna be sleeping together for the rest of our lives after tonight. Just one more night, and then it's over, okay? No more separation. Well, unless one of us is busy, but you know what I mean. I love you, and you're gonna be okay, okay?" 

Brendon smiles and relaxes at the soft and quiet voice Dallon is using. "Okay," Brendon answers. Dallon leans forward and their lips gently connect, moving very slowly and lovingly. Brendon holds onto him, so eventually Dallon has to stop and take a step back before he lets Brendon convince him to stay the night. 

"One night away from each other won't ruin us," Dallon says. He grabs his jacket, zips it up, puts the hood up, and puts his phone in his pocket. They walk towards the door and Dallon puts his sunglasses on. 

"It is dark, why—"

"Don't want anyone to see us," Dallon says just in case, and he is exactly right. 

Because Spencer is parked across the street.

He watches them walk out, not being able to make out exactly who the hooded figure is, but it's obviously the same person from the other day. 

"One more kiss?" Brendon asks, standing in the doorway. Dallon smiles and turns, kissing him once more. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'll meet you at the house tomorrow, okay?" 

"Okay, drive safe," Brendon says sweetly. Dallon kisses him again.

"I will," he says. They kiss again, then pull away and say goodbye before Dallon gets in his car, Brendon walking back inside. Spencer stares in shock, confused and suspicious. Dallon starts the car and buckles up, but his phone begins to ring, so he stops and answers it. 

"Hey, what's up?"

"Dallon, hey, um... I wanted to talk to you about something," Ryan says nervously. 

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, um... are you busy?"

"No, I was just headed home. Do you want me to come over?" 

Ryan hesitates, but takes a deep breath.

"Would you mind?" 

"Not at all, I'll be there in a minute, alright?"

"Okay, thanks," Ryan says, then hangs up after a short silence. Dallon puts his phone to the side and pulls out of the parking space once making sure no one is coming, and then drives carefully to Ryan's house. It's dark outside, the air a little chilly but not too cold. Brendon is already snuggling up in bed, hugging a pillow close to replace the absence of his husband.

It doesn't take long for Dallon to reach Ryan's house. He lives close to them, all within a short drive, and so when he pulls up in front of the house, Ryan tries to calm himself. He knew it wouldn't be long, but at the same time he was hoping that maybe Dallon could be a while so Ryan knew what to say. 

Dallon exits the car parked on the sidewalk as Ryan exits his house. They both close their doors and Dallon hurries over. 

"Hey," Dallon says cautiously.

"Hey," Ryan copies quietly.

"What's wrong?"

Ryan tries to speak and ends up looking past the blue-eyed man. He takes a deep breath.

Dallon stares at him in worry and anticipation, waiting patiently for him to speak.

"I think... I think I'm in love with you."

And then it's silent. Dallon tries to think of something to say, but Ryan beats him to it as he says, "I know you don't like me like that, and that is fine, I've known that for a long time, but I caught feelings that time when we uh... when we met up and you grabbed my hand and smiled at me, I just..."

Ryan takes a deep breath and swallows hard. He looks around cautiously, making sure no one is around, despite knowing that he should have done that before.

"I want you to just tell me whether or not you like me like that so I can stop arguing with myself."

"Ryan, I..." Dallon feels guilt rise in him as he thinks of how to say it. "Brendon and I... we're... well, we're married."

Ryan stops and stares at him in shock. "Wait, what?!"

"Please don't tell anyone, because... you're actually the first person to know, but we've been married for almost two years."

Ryan thinks for a moment, processing the words that were just handed to him, and eventually sighs and says, "Then I want you to tell me the truth and tell me that you are not interested in me in any way, shape, or form. Romantically, at least. I was hoping we could still be friends in the end."

"I do not like you like that at all. I'm happy with Brendon and I don't ever plan on ending things with him."

"And that even if you weren't with Brendon, you still wouldn't like me like that," Ryan continues, but this time Dallon hesitates, and they both notice immediately. "Wait—"

"Oh- I mean, like... I like to give everyone a chance, so I don't know, and—"

"Yeah, yeah, okay, that, uh... that makes sense, but... say it anyway?"

"Even if I wasn't with Brendon, I still am not interested in you."

Ryan nods and takes a deep breath.

"You, um... you aren't gonna tell anyone about that, right? About... hesitating?" Dallon asks nervously. Ryan nods hurriedly.

"Of course not, don't worry about it. Um, well, I'm happy for you guys," Ryan says. They both nod and then it's silent again. "You, uh... you probably have to head home, right?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah..." Dallon says. They stand awkwardly for a second before Dallon opens his arms to invite him into a hug. Ryan steps forward and accepts it, their arms wrapping around each other awkwardly and sadly. They hold each other.

"I'm sorry," Dallon says.

"Don't be, I'm the one who should be sorry," Ryan immediately tells him.

"No, no, it isn't your fault. Love isn't a choice. Made that very clear in our song," Dallon says, causing Ryan to chuckle softly.

They hold each other for a couple more seconds but when they pull away, they smile awkwardly, say their goodbyes, and turn around to part their ways.

Death of a Bachelor // brallon [Book 2 of Far Too Young To Die]Where stories live. Discover now