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"So, in conclusion, Dallon and Brendon are married and have been for almost exactly two years, Jon and Spencer were dating from 2006 to the split, broke up, then got back together a few months later, you all are in Paris, Spencer lost his phone, and Brendon and Dallon moved in together?" Luke asks as the boys sit around the phone.

"Sounds about right, yeah," Jon says.

"Wow," Mike says. "I mean, I knew you moved in together, but this is... wow."

"Mike knew?" Spencer asks.

"He pieced it together," Dallon answers quickly. Spencer nods.

"Well... what do we do?" Luke asks, earning some confused looks, but he soon asks, "Are you all hiding it, are you ready to tell people, what exactly do we all do? I don't want fans figuring something out because one of us tells them without knowing we're trying to hide it. Or the opposite, you aren't trying to hide it and say something and then we try and deny it."

"Spencer already posted about us. Didn't say anything about us being together, but we were holding hands in it and it was a lovey type of video," Jon explains, and suddenly Dallon wonders how the hell he hasn't heard about it yet. "As for Brendon and Dallon, though..." Jon looks at them, waiting for one of them to take over.

"Not necessarily hiding it, but not necessarily out. Eventually we will come out and confirm it, but we don't mind if a fan sees us holding hands or someone realizing we are in the same house... you know, stuff like that," Brendon informs them. Dallon kisses his shoulder and sits back. Brendon sits back, relaxes, and takes a deep breath. Brendon leans into him as the rest talk. Brendon looks up at him and whispers, "Hey."

Dallon looks at him with a small yet happy smile. "Hey."

"I love you," Brendon says as his lips begin to curl into a big smile.

"I love you too."

Dallon looks back at the others as Spencer says something that makes everyone laugh. Brendon feels chills run up his spine and he looks at Dallon with a smile. Five-ish years later and he still feels the exact same way. Their hands brush together, and this time Brendon intertwines their fingers before Dallon looks at him. He smiles and leans forward, pressing their lips together sweetly, then pull away and kiss his forehead. The call soon ends and Brendon smiles softly.

They'll be okay.

Death of a Bachelor // brallon [Book 2 of Far Too Young To Die]Where stories live. Discover now