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lydia's pov

"Oh my god it's absolutely stunning," Jennifer said as she looked at my ring. 

I chuckled. "Right? He picked the perfect one," I replied. "Hey um, do you want to go to my wedding?" I ask.

She looks up. "You'd want me there?" She asks.

I nod. "Yeah I mean, you're one of my few friends in this city, so I'd like you to be there." 

She smiles and nods. "I'd love to go."

I soon got to work after my conversation with Jennifer but all the while I could only think about getting married. The idea scared me so much. I had never in my life been comfortable with the idea of settling down. Even now I was uncomfortable with it. But, I knew that when Tenya told me about how he felt, how he felt like if destiny did exist that this was it, he was right. If stars did align, they had for us. I loved him too. God, I loved him. Marriage was scary but with him by my side, it would be fine. Worries would completely melt away when he smiles, church bells would ring and my last name would suddenly change form Merrick to Iida. 

Maybe one day we'd even have children. Our little kids would run circles around us babbling about Paw Patrol and coloring in picture books in front of the TV. They'd sip apple juice and giggle out "Daddy!" when Tenya would come home from work. He'd drop his bag and get down on his knees so that he was their height and they'd jump right into his wide, open, loving arms. At the end of the night, we'd both tuck them into bed before running off to our own to embrace one another. 

I shook the fantasy of having kids with Tenya out of my mind and went back to work. After work, I knew I needed to call some family and friends. Let them know the big news. I walked out of the clinic when my shift ended and went straight home. 

On the way, I stopped at the bus stop and got my phone out. I tapped a contact that I hadn't in a very long time and waited. It rang multiple times but no one picked up. I guess I'm leaving a message after the beep.

"Hey, Dad. It's me. So, to keep it short, I'm getting married. I don't know when but I got engaged and I really love him. Give me a call back when you can," I said and then hung up. 

Next, I called Lucy, one of my closest friends, and while I hadn't physically seen her in a long time, I still kept touch. The phone only rang a few times before she picked up the line. 

"Hey, Lydia what's up?" She said. 

I laughed just thinking about telling her. She was going to lose it. "So uh. We're getting married."

And I was right, she did lose it. We talked about it for a long time before I hung up and called two of my other close friends, Juvia and Cana. They too had the same reaction. I shoved my phone back deep into my pocket and walked home. 

When I got inside the apartment, Iida was already home. "Hi baby," He softly said to me. I put my bag down with a sigh and walked over to the couch where Iida was lying and curled into his arms. "You seem like you need some stress relief," he mumbled

My lips were on his that very instant knowing exactly what he meant by 'stress relief', and he reciprocated as quickly as he knew how; his hands finding their place on my wide hips and thin lower back.

I intertwined my fingers behind his neck. My tongue had found a perfect place, in which it sat, fitting perfectly to his mouth after all the times it had been there. No matter how often it had been there, it never failed to give me that feeling throughout my entire body. The thrill. Nothing else could ever compare to, that amazing – for there was no better word for it – sensation that I'd felt. It was just as strong, if not more, than first time we ever kissed. Tenya's hands bunched up into fists in the fabric of my orange dress. The one that he adored so so so much. 

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