Chapter 1

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(This is before going to shoyas school before any gets confused!! It also has a lot of time skips so it only takes one chapter to get through the beginning lol)

A paper ball smacked softly against your head making you turn over with an annoyed face, expecting to see your bully but instead met with brown beautiful eyes. Nishimiya shouko, your closet and only friend.
A smile etched across your face before turning your body towards her "hey!" You quietly but excitedly spoke not wanting to get in trouble for talking in class. Shouko quietly started moving her hands in sign language, she struggled a bit only because she just began learning herself but she was pretty close to learning it all
'wanna play at recess?'

You knew some sign language, not much but that wasn't gonna stop you from making friends with the only deaf girl in school, and definitely didn't stop you from learning more.
'Sure!' You signed back in more of practice you smiled at her widely until the door roughly slid open, a somewhat tall redhead entered the class looking a little chubby who was sadly, the 4th grade bully.

Your smile turned into an annoyed face making you turn your body back, all he really did was call you ugly and pull your hair but it was still getting on your nerves, especially as a 4th grader.

"Hey ugly!!" He stuck his tongue out at you before laughing stupidly and walked over to the desk sitting down, he never bullied shouko except call her annoying but she doesn't care, he never went over the line.

Your eyes watered slightly, you may be a  strong 4th grader but you were really sensitive.

Shouko smiled at satoshi Mashiba but he only gave a childish glare before going back to ignoring her.


Shouko softly hummed as she walked out of the school building, gripping her bag strap as she skipped passed apartment hearing nothing but faint winding sounds speed past her ears. Shouko walked over to her apartment door and walk Inside putting her bag down.

"Shouko welcome home hun, i have to talk to you about something- I know you won't be happy but this is something important." Mrs. Nishimiya spoke close to shouko so she could hear, shouko looked up at her pale mother listening in and nodded.

"You're moving!?!?" Y/n looked at her strawberry friend in shock and sadness

Shouko frowned "I have to, my mom says there's a school close to the new house, it costs less,," her voice sounded a bit all over the place but y/n was used to it, she was pretty well at deciphering her best friends words.

"I... alright.. I see"  y/ns gaze landed on the floor with a frown
"I move tomorrow..." shouko frown at her friends face, she knows her voice sounded different but it seemed better if they talked about it then sighing.

"So I won't see you again?" Y/n glanced at her friend
"We'll see each other again okay?"
Y/n rested her hand on her palm while quietly and very boredly looking at the board, she had friends but it was boring as hell without shouko there to talk to her, the room was dim without the strawberry haired girl next to her. It's been only 2 weeks since shouko left.

"Hey loser! Did you scare off sho?"
Y/n glanced over and glared at Satoshi Mashiba
"no, she had to move!"
"Your ugly face probably scared her off!!"

She felt tears weld up in her eyes, her sensitivity getting the best of her-again. It was a small insult, but it piled up so much.
Y/n stood up making the chair fall behind her, a few surprise gasps were heard before the h/c girl ran out of the room sobbing to herself, she truly missed her friend. And it really sucked being told you were the reason.

Satoshi watched you run out of the classroom and glanced at the stares around the room, he didn't mean to hurt you.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Mrs/mr/ms. l/n slid open the door seeing their child sit on the chair in the principles office.
"Don't worry Mrs/Mr/Ms. L/n, she wasn't hurt physically, satoshi mashiba said he was only playing around"

"Playing around? My daughter is being bullied! Can't you suspend the kid?" Mrs/Mr/Ms. L/n angrily crossed their arms, bullying was absolutely prohibited.

"Unfortunately, he's only 12, he didn't know better. He saw it as playful banter, his parents were contacted and they are sure to get him enough punishment. I cant suspend a clueless child unless evidence is brought"
"This isn't enough evidence?" They pointed towards their child's tears.

"Not enough for suspension, but I can separate the two, only in class though since I can't control their lunch times-"

"I'm sorry but I can't have this, my child can't be getting bullied at such a young age! I have to enroll her out. This could affect her later"

"I understand."
Y/n rested her head against the glass window as her mother drove past trees ranting on bullying and stuff, y/n wasn't paying that much attention. All she could think about is what her friend was up to at the moment.
"Hey shouko!! What's your nickname?" Miki smiled down at the strawberry haired girl who wrote down 'sho' on her paper.

Shouko was pretty chill in her new school, sure the students did look shocked when she showed them she was deaf. But she made friends! Hopefully they're nice.
Of course they're nice!!right...?

"Y/n im moving you to a different school." Mrs/Ms/Miss. L/n said as she drove up into the driveway
"i don't want you to get bullied, especially since you're so young.." her mother looked at her daughter through the view mirror. Y/n' s eyes slightly widened as she looked at her mom "wait what? But I like my school! It's the only place that has memories of shouko! I-i have friends there too! I don't want to be alone!"

"I'm sorry love, it's for the best okay? I want you to be safe-"
"You don't need to go to school, next week is the start of your new school alright?"
"That's final." She gave a sharp glare to her daughter through the window. Y/n froze staring back with slightly scared eyes, her mother grabbed her bag and exited the car shutting the door behind her. Y/n frowned and opened the car door stepping out.

A Silent voice (Shoya Ishida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now