Chapter 11

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Y/n leaned her head on her palm as she texted Saharah. she ranted once again with her problems, Saharah turned into a support system for her and it was kind of relaxing- y/n needed to let out her thoughts and grief but so did Saharah. They would rant to each other just to let feelings out.

"You Okay? You've been sulking for the past few weeks." kazuki sat down next to y/n looking at her. Y/n glanced over from her phone and faintly smiled "yes I'm fine.."
"Did shoya do this?"
"No, don't worry I'm fine kaz"
Kazuki stared at her and sighed "if you say so.."

Y/n felt her phone buzz catching her attention, she lifted her phone up and read to herself.

Zuzu: you still coming to mom's birthday party??
N/n: yup :)))

She turned her phone off placing it down before looking at kazuki who was glaring towards shoyas direction. Y/n faintly sighed "I hope you know it wasnt just him."
"Yeah..i know.."
"Then hate ueno too." She rolled her eyes before smiling "I'm kidding, hate who you want" y/n grinned as she gave him a supporting thumbs up. Kazuki smiled down at her and chuckled.
Y/n slid her shirt on quietly before grabbing the gift next her and walked downstairs
"Ready to go?" Mrs.L/n smiled down at her
Y/n gave a small smile as she nodded.
She stared at the apartment door, she was nervous. She hasn't talked or even looked at shoya since the day on the bridge.
Y/n sighed and pulled herself together before knocking on the door, she didn't want her problems to ruin the night.

Yuzuru opened the door and grinned "heyyyyyyyy come on in, shoukos already baking the cake!"
"What time does you're mom come home?" Y/n smiled and stepped inside putting the gift on the coffee table.
"In 3 hours which is hopefully enough time-"
"Its plenty of time!" Y/n slid her sweater off and took steamers out of the gift bag, starting to set up the place already.
"Imma go wash up!" Y/n smiled as she walked through the hall entering the bathroom with frosting on her face from helping shouko with the cake. The night was actually going pretty smooth- only one hour left. Shouko and her spent half an hour talking about what happened and why y/n didn't show up to shoukos homeroom for the past 2 weeks.

Y/n rinsed her face and tapped the fluffy towel onto herself to wipe the water off before stepping back out looking better. Her eyes landed on shoya who was talking with Yuzuru, her heart sped up slightly causing her face to red.

"Shit." She whispered to herself and took a deep breath before walking over. Shoya looked over and visibly frowned "oh hey."
"..hello" y/n put on a small smile and waved at him slightly before walking over to the kitchen.

Shouko looked over holding the cake infront of the fridge
"Hewp?" She nervously smiled while y/n giggled and walked over opening the fridge for her to place the cake inside.

"Oh here-" y/n placed a finger on shoukos cheek wiping some white frosting off her face. Shouko smiled with a faint blush as y/n placed the finger in her mouth
"Mm! It's pretty good Chef Nishiyma"
Shoya stood in the doorway with crossed arms
"Hey shouko"
"Hi!" Shouko looked over and smiled brightly waving over.

Yuzuru walked in feeling a bit of tension before stretching "mom will be here in a bit! You guys wanna watch a movie?"

The three nodded and stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room.
Yuzuru sat on the floor as she watched The corpse bride, Shouko sat behind her on the couch while shoya sat next to her.
Y/n leaned against shoukos room wall, texting kazuki on how the night was going since he wanted to check up on her. She smiled seeing a video kazuki sent her about keisuke eating hot takeyaki and quickly huffing out the smoke with tears in his eyes.

"Hey- shouko wanted me to check up on you, the movie already started." Shoya walked into shoukos room spotting y/n standing near the door.
"Oh, okay I'll be there in a second." Y/n glanced over and texted kazuki a few times more including with a 'see ya later'

" sorry for yelling at you." Shoya stared down at y/n seeing her slightly jump, expecting him to be gone.

"Oh..its fine-"
"Is it really? I hit a nerve didn't i?"
"Shoya it's fine. You're wrong anyways" y/n shrugged slightly.
"Am i?" Shoya crossed his arms as y/n looked at him visibly uncomfortable.

"Shoya, I don't wanna deal with this right now. Can we settle this later?"
"No, the night will be awkward if we don't do this now."

She sighed and walked by shoya before feeling her wrist get grabbed and pulled back into the room.
"Shoya! Let me go!" Y/n whisper-yelled
"I just want to talk to you!"

"There's nothing to talk about!" She pulled her wrist out of his weak grasp and glared.
"We tried getting over this. You didn't want that. You're blaming everyone but yourself. Man up and fix your own problems or you'll push away everyone, again." Y/n stepped out of the room rubbing her faintly red wrist.

A Silent voice (Shoya Ishida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now