Chapter 3

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Y/n swung on the monkey bars above of shouko who was listening to ueno talk about girl things trying to talk to them.
Ueno raised an eyebrow and continued talking over shouko which caught y/n' s attention, "Hey uen-"
"Y/n youre wearing a dress!" Miki looked at y/n as she swang.
She looked down and giggled "I'm wearing shorts under!" Y/n smiled as she forgot what she was gonna say,
Shouko looked up and smiled at her friend before looking at the group and starting to talk again.
"Yeah no- come let's go" ueno started walking off getting irritated by shouko. The girls looked over before following ueno.  Miki looked up at y/n "come on let's go!" She smiled but y/n shook her head "I'll stay with shouko, I'm gonna walk home with her" miki shrugged and ran over to the girls

Why didn't she invite shouko?

Y/n looked at shouko before hopping down "ready to go?"
Shouko nodded before y/n gasped "hold on! I let ueno use my notes! I'll be back okay?" She signaled a 'wait for me' at shouko and ran to the group.

Shouko started climbing up the bars before hopping down
"You know this deaf stuff is getting really annoying right?" Shoya started up at her while crouching down close to the ground. Shouko smiled and started walking over making him glare slightly "stay away from me freak!"
Shouko tilted her head and started pointing at herself,then shoya, she clasped her hands together and smiled "fwiends?"
Shoya grabbed a handful of dirt below him "friend? I won't ever be your friend!freak!!" He threw the sand and glanced behind shouko seeing y/n grab her notebook from ueno and start to turn around, he quickly stood up and ran off from the scene.
"Alright shouko I'm ready!- huh? Are you okay? Did you fall?" Y/n looked at her friend covered in dirt. She started dusting the dust off of her slightly confused and looked at the footprints running from shouko.
"I think Its good that we do sign language!" A teacher spoke upfront but ueno stood up
"But why?it's easier for me to talk, why do I need to learn sign language for her?"

Y/n raised an eyebrow and stood up "i can help them learn! I know sign language" she smiled making ueno slightly glare and mutter an insult under breath.
Everyone looked at y/n in awe, she was practically a god to them. She was smart and gorgeous, and now she even knows sign language for a friend.
"I-I wanna learn!!" Sahara stood up making y/n smile.

"How do you do Sahara in sign language?" Sahara asked Shouko as they sat together.
Y/n watched happily from afar as shouko showed her, y/n would've went over but she felt that this was Shoukos department.

"Goody two shoes" ueno glared at sahara who heard her but so did y/n.
"Ueno that's not nice" y/n stood up glaring at her.
"I'm only stating facts y/n. Mind your business."
"It doesnt matter! You have to apologize!" Y/n gripped her desk to stop herself from doing anything she'd regret, shoya walked over "h-hey y/n, she's mean- she won't apologize, just leave it" he grabbed her shoulder to pull her back. Y/n stayed glaring at Ueno before slowly sitting back down ignoring the eyes watching her.

"Hey that was pretty tough" Kazuki looked at Y/n with a smile. She looked over at him and gave a small grin
"Thanks. I hate jerks."
Shoya glanced between kazuki and y/n feeling a bit jealous before sitting at his desk.

"Gross did she get dressed in the dark?" Ueno looked at Sahara as you glared. Rude.

"Ueno stop being so mean" y/n look over at ueno who had her arms crossed
"Stay out of my business n/n" she glared back as she mocked you.

"G-guys let's calm down here! Uenos just playing around!" Miki stood in between the two girls, Y/n looked at miki before scoffing and followed Sahara and Shouko.

"I think I'm moving.." Sahara glanced at the floor frowning to herself
Y/n frowned and grabbed her shoulder "I honestly think it's best, I know how much you like shouko but Ueno isn't gonna back down or apologize, I'll miss you though okay? We'll meet again." She grabbed Saharas hand as she sternly talked.
Sahara faintly blushed in embarrassment before smiling "right!" She looked over at shouko and hugged her "I'll see you soon too okay?"
Shouko only smiled and hugged back, faintly hearing her.
Sahara was pretty serious about leaving, she left two days after. Shouko asked where she went but I only told her she left cause her mom told her to, something she understood much better than being bullied.

"I bet I can go even further!" Shoya laughed as he wrote on the chalkboard.
"Shoya youre so messed up!" Miki giggled as ueno smiled at what she read on the board. Kazuki however, frowned under his sleeve "dude you should erase that before someone comes in you know, y/ns sweeping the halls with Nishimiya-"
"Its cool! She won't mind" he chuckled before ueno walked up "yeah right, y/n acts like shoukos damn body guard-"

Y/n slid open the door walking inside with the broom and her coat off. She glanced at everyone in the room seeing shoya frozen in place in the front. Y/n raised an eyebrow, what are they doing? Shouldn't they be cleaning? Her attention moved to the front of the class seeing writing on the board, 'Hurray shouko! You made Sahara leave!!!'
"I-" shoya started speaking to explain it before seeing a sharp glare as she looked at shoya, finding the price of chalk in his grasp
"Erase it!"
Shouko walked in behind her and glanced at the board "huh?"
Shoya gulped before clearing his throat "Oh no! Who could do such a thing?!Ueno how could you?" He erased the board as he shook his head
"Hey-! It wasnt-"
"There, no need to thank me!" He looked at the girls seeing y/n stare at him with slightly hurt eyes before looking at shouko who only smiled at him
"T-thank you" shouko softly spoke behind y/n.
"I said. No need to thank me, come on guys" he walked passed the girls and stepped out of the classroom. Kazuki waved at y/n as he walked out, y/n gave a small smile and waved back at kazuki along with keisuke who was following the two.
Ueno cleared her throat as she hopped off the desk, walking out with miki.

A Silent voice (Shoya Ishida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now