Chapter 7

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"Thanks kazuki!" Y/n hopped off the bike with her bag as kazuki smiled
"No worries. I don't mind! I'll see you later n/n" he waved and slowly started riding off. Y/n waved before running past the bridge and entered the building. She rushed over to a familiar door and slid it open
"Sorry I'm late sho!" She looked over seeing shouko look over from the window  and sigh in relief.

Since shouko and y/n they both decided to meet everyday after school. There was a certain time where the other would get worried if either one was late. It worried them because they didn't know whether or not they were okay or hurt.

Yuzuru waved slightly before y/n sat down at the table.

"Alright ready for the review yuzuru?"

Yuruzu nodded before y/n did a sign movement
"What do you think it means?"

Yuzuru thought for a moment
"It means sister. Right?"
"Yup! Next-"

Shouko slightly shook y/n making her look over "yeah?"
Shouko smiled and used her sign language
'Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping this weekend?'
"Hey no fair! I already had plans with y/n!"
Y/n chuckled slightly "we can all hang out alright?"

Yuzuru huffed before her eyes caught a certain black haired male and green haired male walking into the building from the window. Her eyes slightly squinted in suspicion.
"Hey guys you two talk, I'll be at the door."
"Wait why?" Y/n looked over before a knock was heard at the door.

Yuzuru slid it open but only a bit "yes?"
"Is shouko here?"
"A-are you sure?"
Tomohiro glared "look he just,wants to see his friend!"
"Well that sucks. Shes NOT HERE. Actually, I'm her boyfriend" Yuzuru held the door closed with a blank face.
"What? Really? I didn't realize she had one- well I don't really mind-"

"Yuzuru, what are you doing?" Y/n walked behind her and slid the door open revealing herself and shouko at the door.

"Shoya-? Tomohiro?"
Shouko looked over seeing shoya
"O-oh hey-" Shoya looked at them and waved slightly.
"What exactly are we doing?" Y/n leaned against the wall with Yuzuru and Tomohiro as they watched shoya and shouko talk on the river.

"We're making sure he doesn't do anything to shouko." Yuzuru secretly recorded the two.
"Wait hold up! Shoya wouldn't do anything! He's a good guy dude!" Tomohiro looked down at the shorter male with a glare.
"See? That's what I've been trying to tell-him." She hid Yuzurus gender as she rolled her eyes. Yuzuru ignored the two as she continued filming.

Y/n rested her head on her folded arms as she watched the two talk and feed the birds. Her heart felt a painful tug as she saw them look at each other. She shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows together in slight confusion. Why did her heart feel so strange? It felt like a chain was pulling her heart out of her chest. A strange pain she didn't like. And wasn't sure why she had it.

"What the heck are they doing?!" Tomohiro shouted causing y/n to shake out of her thoughts just in time to see the two jump into the bridge.

"Huh?!?!" Y/n straighten up and watched their heads resurface as they stood up on the wet pebbles underneath their shoes.

Yuzuru smirked and stopped her phone slipping it into her pocket for later use.
"I'm so sorry!" Shoya handed shouko her wet book which was very nostalgic. Shouko grabbed it and bowed as a thanks before scurrying away. Y/n quickly ran off the balcony to check on shouko while Yuzuru typed onto her phone. Tomohiro followed y/n out to seek shoya on what was going through his mind.
Y/n yawned in her bed as she laid down getting ready to sleep before a notification on Twitter popped up, a video sent from ZuZu appeared, Yuzurus account.

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