Chapter 6

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Shoya stayed true to her words and left y/n alone. Since she was popular in elementary school, her popularity grew through the years and she became friends with pretty much everyone in the school. Not only that- she was extremely nice and helpful to others, not to mention she was also gorgeous compared to others (As you should be).

Shoyas popularity on the other hand, shrank down until there was basically nothing. Everyone knew what he did wrong,especially when Kazuki and Keisuke would warn every new person that they came across. Everyone avoided him just like he avoided everyone as well. He walked through everyone's shadows.
Shoya tried making amends with kazuki and the rest but they would shrug him off like he was nothing eventually making himself believe he truly was nothing.

Shoya wrote down school notes into his journal. He was hunched down making sure nobody noticed him.

"Hey shoya"

A familiar soft voice called to him turning his attention up to a gleaming girl, y/n l/n.

"Did you finish the writing project? I'm handing them in today- unless your not done then I can help you with it-" she smiled faintly before seeing shoya reach into his bag and pull a paper out
"No I finished you go" he handed her the paper shaking before she grabbed it.
"Thanks" she walked up to the teacher and handed the pages in after looking at shoyas paper and wrote something down on it.
Shoya raised an eyebrow getting nervous on what she wrote, did she erase his answers? Switch the letterings so he'd fail? He watched her sit down with a bright smile on her face.
He still found her amazing even though she'd only give him a glance.

Y/n stepped out the classroom walking down the stairs before her eyes were suddenly covered up
"Guess who!"
"Hmmm I'm thinking about a boy, who's annoying, and bothers me!" She smiled before her eyes were unsheilded

"Geez you didn't have to be mean" kazuki looked down making y/n slightly laugh
"I was kidding!"
"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to join me and The Boys at lunch?"
"Yeah sure I got nothing better to do-" she shrugged and walked downstairs with Kazuki following.

Shoya quietly walked downstairs a few steps behind them as he heard them laughing together. A pit of burried jealousy filled his stomach while he walked out of the school grounds. He spent lunchtime away from everyone for a few years now, he kept his distance from others which seemed to help him well enough through the years.

Shoya sat down on a bench close to the school as he unwrapped a sandwhich his mother made him for lunch. Before he took a bite he glanced over seeing a green haired boy and another senior pulling a bike between the two like tug of war.

"Hey back off! It's my bike!"
"Dude I just need it for today! I wanna go get lunch!!"
"Use someone else's bike!! Help!someone!"
The green haired boy spotted shoya sitting and quickly called over
"Hey you!!help!!"

Shoya looked up before wrapping his sandwich back up.
Should I go? Or should I Help? I don't wanna cause any trouble..

"Hey use mine..!" Shoya held his bike up towards the taller male
"Woah dude thanks! You're god-sent!" The senior got on and started riding off leaving the two alone.

"I..i hope you know you aren't getting that back.."
"Yeah... i know.."
"Hey, thanks for helping me out. The names Tomohiro! I sit behind you in class you know"
"O-oh it was nothing..and my name's shoya. It's nice to meet you Tomohiro also I didn't know that- sorry"
"Nah it's cool" Tomohiro grinned up at shoya as his fluffy green hair bounced.
Y/n stared at her phone as she finished eating her lunch, a few texts looked up making her giggle quietly to herself

A Silent voice (Shoya Ishida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now