Chapter 16

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Y/n quietly walked through the hospital halls towards shoyas room once again holding a few white flowers and a cute stuffed animal. She opened the door and saw ueno sitting next to his still unconscious body and looked over hearing the door slide open. She walked over and y/n looked up meeting her dark eyes as they stared into her
E/c ones. She held up the two things gathered in her hand "I-I want to give these to him.." she stared but grabbed them "I'll do it" she took Them from her hands and slid the door closed. Y/n stared at the door before her name was called. She turned and saw tomohiro walking over "hey!" He grinned and ran over but noticed you were outside rather than inside "umm. What's up?" She looked at him and pointed at the door "ueno.." he looked back and forth to the door and back to her then walked over and grabbed the handle. Once he started to pull they expected it to slide open but it stood ground.
"Uhh" he kept pulling and pulling and y/n looked up seeing a visible silhouette holding the door close and with a sigh and started walking away. Tomohiro glanced at her and let go of the door "y/n?" He ran over to her sulking figure and she glanced over at him "she won't even let me see him..I said sorry like 20 times!" They headed into the front office and sat down in seats as she frowned. Tomohiro looked up and patted her back "hey dont worry. Once shoyas awake I'm sure everything will go back to normal" y/n looked down at her casted hand seeing as when he pulled on her arm it went a bit out of place but she was fine. She frowned again "I guess.." she looked up at him "where's shouko?" Tomohiro looked at her "oh she's coming over in a few minutes. But I don't know how she's gonna get in with ueno blocking the door" y/n glanced around and smiled weakily then nodded understanding.

Shouko pushes the door open and sees y/n talking to Tomohiro then smiled and yelled out giddily. They looked over as she walked over. Y/n started communicating through her hands
'Thank you. For helping me with ueno" shouko smiled and took her hands out
'Of course. I can't leave a friend helpless'

Y/n frowned and looked down. Right she's my friend. There was no need for me to be jealous on her. If shoya chose her I would have to be by they're side. I can't force him to be with me. Maybe he'll even change his mind when he wakes up..

Y/n shuddered from her thoughts and saw shouko walk to shoyas room before the door was closed on her face as well. Shouko walked back glaring at the floor and started using sign language in a very quick manner
'Whatsupwithuenoshedidntevenletmein" it took y/n a few moments before realizing what she said
'Oh right. Ueno is still kind of mad" shouko grumbled before sitting back next to them


I'm sorry this is short :((((

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