Chapter 5

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Y/n glanced at shouko next to her extremely nervous as she stood in front of the Nishimiyas house. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
"Hello?" The door opened revealing shoukos mother who looked down and saw shouko with bandages on her ear "shouko!!! What happened?!"
"I-i well you see, someone took out shoukos hearing aids again.."

Mrs.Nishimiya grabbed shouko and pulled her inside "not again..!" She left the door open and she walked with shouko into the living room and sat her down.
Y/n quietly stepped inside and closed the door "I'm so sorry. I really tried to stop him. He just wouldn't listen to me, but I know I should've let the nurse call you- I-i just wanted shoya to handle this situation on his own." y/n frowned watching shos mom properly med her.

"Thank you y/n. Thank you for sticking with her. I'm just glad youre there. She would've been in more hurt if you didn't help her." Mrs. Nishimiya looked at y/n and faintly smiled.
Y/n looked up at her with glossy eyes trying not to cry as she smiled back.

Y/n sat down at her seat, yesterday was pretty nice after school. But shoukos mom said that if anything else was to happen, she'd move her again.
Y/n frowned at the thought and sighed quietly to herself catching kazukis attention "is she okay?" He glanced at shouko and looked at y/n who nodded
"She's fine, her ears damaged more though." She sighed before kazuki patted her shoulder.
Kazuki softly swept after school with y/n next to him, she quietly hummed to herself and swept the dirt into a small pile before picking it up with a dust pan and threw the dirt and dust into the trash bin.
"Finally we're done sweeping-" kazuki chuckled and looked at y/n who put the broom down "hey y/n, wanna go check if shoya and shouko are done with the classroom?"

Y/n nodded and walked to the class hearing a thud and few distraught noises
"Get off of me!"
She heard shoya yell from inside and quickly opened the door gasping at the sight of shouko and shoya fighting on the floor "shouko!" She quickly ran inside to pull them apart.
"As you can see, Shouko Nishimiya is absent today, she was moved to a different school today due to bullying. This isn't acceptable here and right now I want to person who bullied her to stand up."

The teacher looked at shoya with a sharp gaze "shoya stand up. There's no hiding it was you."
A few silent moments passed getting the teacher slightly anger, he slammed his hand on the chalk board "shoya, I SAID STAND UP."

Shoya slowly stood up and stared at the floor getting a bit scared.

"Ueno, you sit next to shoya. Is there anything you see?"

"I-um well. He teases her a lot. And makes fun of her a few times-"
The teacher nodded and looked at kazuki and y/ns table "how about you kazuki?"
Kazuki looked over "he bullied her all the time. I told him to stop and he wouldn't listen"

"W-what? You do too! All the girls do! Even the boys!" Shoya yelled out making everyone look at him.

Y/n glared at him "that's not true shoya! You and ueno are the ones hurting her the most! Miki sees them and doesnt say anything either!"

Miki gasped before slowly starting to sniff"h-how could you say that? I was her friend!" She cried and took her glasses off.
"You weren't her friend when ueno took her hearing aids, or when she was saying mean things to her" y/n looked at miki not buying the bullshit.

Miki sat there crying quietly as shoya stared at the floor.
After the small accusation circle in the class nobody talked to each other.  y/n actually talked to everyone except for miki,Ueno, and shoya. She ignored them even when shoya would get bullied by kazuki and keisuke. He deserved it.

"Hey y/n look!" Keisuke threw a paper ball at shoyas head watching it bounce off. Shoya just stared off at the ground not looking up. Y/n smiled at keisuke before going back to reading.

Y/n quietly mopped with shoya avoiding eye contact, it ended up being y/n cleaning the classroom with shoya while ueno and kazuki swept the halls, miki and keisuke already swept the classroom for the two and left for the day.

She quietly moved through the rows getting closer to finish, her heart sped up, she was nervous about being in a classroom with shoya. Maybe it was because of the bullying shouko faced? Was he going to do it to her next?

Before she knew it, they both touched mops meaning they finished mopping and were able to go home. Her eyes stared at the mops but as she was about to pull away shoya looked down at her.
"Hey y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with me later- you know to go to the comic book store or something? Maybe even get drinks?"

Her eyes widened as she stared at the mop. Is he serious?

She looked up at shoya with a slightly shocked face before she smiled "what makes you think I'd want to hang out with you? After you hurt shouko you should've just left me alone. So I'll tell you now before you get hurt, leave me alone or I'll ruin your life just like you ruined shoukos."
She placed the mop against the wall before grabbing her bag and walked out of the classroom.
Shoyas eyes widened as he stared at the floor suddenly feeling tears drop from his face and land on the floor in front of him. He quietly stood in front of the empty classroom realizing he completly lost his chance (as if he had any-).

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